Posted by Christopher    United States   on 12/18/2014 at 04:40 AM   
  1. Just more and more emo bs - we are the world - join hands and sing kumbaya (take a second and learn how to spell it correctly) bs.

    Instead of making peace, joy and understand right around the corner - It’s going to get us killed after the race baiters use to undermine civilized society.

    Sad this these whinners and cry babies never had a parent who said NO to them at all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/18/2014  at  09:17 AM  

  2. I saw this somewhere, and noted that her response to the “no” was that it was “dismissive”.

    Damned right it was, and properly so. Spoiled little libtard brat....

    Posted by ooGcM taobmaetS    United States   12/18/2014  at  03:39 PM  

  3. So what part of NO did the little princess not understand?
    Ah, the “I could Give a rats ass what your feeling you pathetic little troll”, now get ready for the test or FAIL.
    vampire  vampire  vampire

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/18/2014  at  05:44 PM  

  4. It would be nice if colleges only admitted adults but that would result in vary few students.

    This is just another symptom of deferred adulthood. Graduation from high school used to be a societal milestone that indicated that adulthood was achieved and the individual could be expected to meet adult responsibilities whether he/she wanted them or not. 

    Life has always been full of hopes, fears, dreams and tears; it takes what has traditionally been an adult attitude to cope, adapt, affect and continue in any meaningful way. The student somehow managed to exist for twenty years or so without learning that not all situations are subjective or negotiable.

    She obviously never learned these factors that functioning adults are aware of:
    1. Reality has to be recognized and considered because it usually trumps wishing & hoping.
    2. Life is what happens while you are planning/expecting something else.
    3. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   12/19/2014  at  10:20 AM  

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