Next Time Just Keep Your Mouth Shut


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/19/2009 at 07:59 PM   
  1. Simply google gunsafe. Lots of really good ones out there.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   02/19/2009  at  10:04 PM  

  2. Just for the record, there are no bullets in any of my guns.  Putting bullets in a gun is pretty stupid.

    Full, live cartridges.  Mine are full of cartridges.

    Posted by Archie    United States   02/19/2009  at  11:27 PM  

  3. Umm . . . Drew, that’s Kirsten Gillibrand, not Kathy. But, I thought that it was rather delicious irony that she had two guns under her bed.  Maybe she knows her constituents better than, say, Carolyn McCarthy does?

    (BTW, anyone know what kind of rifles they were?  It’d be a hoot if they were “assault rifles.")

    Posted by BlueStateSaint    United States   02/20/2009  at  05:30 AM  

  4. Try that.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   02/20/2009  at  06:24 AM  

  5. "Gun Control = Citizen Control”

    Ohhhhh, I like that.... gotta make me a T-shirt....

    Posted by TimO    United States   02/20/2009  at  08:20 AM  

  6. They were locked up safely in cases, with trigger locks, and the ammo in a separate room under their own lock and key, with the keys kept safely 150 yards away in a paint can under the porch!
    eeee-yeah… keep trying to peddle that BS to make your constituents and the anti-gun lobby forgive you..
    Also, what if she did shoot some poor person, only coming into her home for warmth, shelter and asset redistribution, as is their right under the liberal guidelines? Oh, wait, she is one of the ‘guiding forces’ with a golden ‘D’ behind her name.. probably would be a cursory investigation with nothing revealed due to ‘privacy and security’ issues, and if anything DID show up, it would be squelched, or the witnesses would end up ‘unavailable’ or living under a vow of silence in Rio or Miami, due to a ‘gag order’ this is IF the press decides to pursue it.. look at Chappaquiddick.

    I’m just getting ahead of myself here.. Might be completely innocent lady with no clue.. All I know, is if this lady (or her husband, or domestic parnter) can unlock a gun case, get the ammo, load the weapon and reliably use it at 3AM after being suddenly waken up, he must have some training, or a lot of experience with these weapons..

    But, I digress.. I can almost guarantee you that within a week, this story will disappear, OR she will reappear in her ~*new and improved*~ Gun Free Domicile!

    Just a thought…

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   02/20/2009  at  08:27 AM  

  7. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-Mineola), a gun-control activist ... added, ”I hope the guns didn’t have bullets in them.”

    An unloaded gun in a house is like having a car in the garage without gas in the tank.

    Now having said that I have to ask:
    I don’t expect my house to catch fire - but I have a fire extinguisher which is loaded.
    I really don’t expect my house to be broken into any time soon, we do not indulge in those activities that seem to attract ‘gun’ fights (drinking late into the night and in excess, betting or gambling, drug use/purchase/sale, affairs, etc). And while we do own many pawn shop biggies - our house from the outside looks deceptively unassuming (take a look, it is on the Internet - thanks to our local fiberal county idiots).

    If people would just look at this issue with common sense (which is why people like Carolyn McCarthy and Sarah Brady do not belong at all in the legislative branch or with the power they have on this issue:
    1. Training - make a concerted effort to insure that all gun owners and their children get proper training - maybe a FREE class now and then.
    2. Treat Criminals who use guns in the commission of a crime/crimes as criminals and enforce the addition of sentencing time for use of a gun (most especially in a felony or by a former felon).
    3. Stop treating the innocent gun owner who has not/never has committed a crime like a criminal.
    4. Educate the public - guns don’t kill people - people kill people.

    Ms. McCarthy dwells on the gun that killed her husband/injured her son - rather than concentrate on the fact that a bat crazy nut was running around loose and able some how (which makes one wonder what kind of person sells a gun to a bat crazy nut) get hold of a gun. . .Cars, knives, asprin, prescription drugs, cleaning supplies, scissors, harpoons, lamps, nick nacs, nail files and so on and so on can be used to kill someone - get over it - aim your wrath, grief and brain power to the things which can be dealt with - like making sure that one murder keeps the perp off the streets forever - thereby insuring that he/she won’t ever kill an innocent again - rather than concentrating on taking away the Constitutional right of people who have not committed a crime at all. What part of shall not be infringed do these people not understand?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/21/2009  at  09:45 AM  

  8. Damn wardmama! Excellent! And true. Why blame whatever tool was used to cause the death, rather than the individual who used it? That logic has always baffled me.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   02/22/2009  at  05:35 AM  

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