New York Times rejects John McCain opinion piece after running Barack Obama editorial


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 07/22/2008 at 04:18 AM   
  1. But… But....But… the NY Times endorsed John McCain!!  How could they turn on him like this? Don’t they have any semblence of fairness? Aren’t they middle-of-the-Road, like Dan Rather said they were?? (In the voice of “MuShu” from Disney’s “Mulan") They LIED to US??

    Posted by T    United States   07/22/2008  at  07:09 AM  

  2. Bias?!? I don’t see no stinkin bias!

    What a crock - Did you hear that Lester Holt (the Dolt) called Obamanation’s Tour De Farce his ‘Tour of Duty’ - wow, a week in first class hotels, flown around, in shirtsleeves, talking - some fr*^#&@ tour of ‘duty’. Leave it to the msm to demean, diss and otherwise marginalize the US Armed Forces and all that they (and their families) do and sacrifice for their country - on crappy pay to boot.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/22/2008  at  07:57 AM  

  3. You’ve all got it wrong. It’s no longer the New York Times...but the SADDAM Times!

    Posted by Macker    United States   07/22/2008  at  08:05 AM  

  4. Can we purge yet? smile

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   07/22/2008  at  06:05 PM  

  5. Purge? Hell, I’m still binging. I want all Obama, all the time. Give Black Jesus his own network. Hell, give him 20 channels. Let everyone see him 24 hours a day, every day. And then ... maybe ... people will start to realize what an empty headed arrogant jack ass he really is.

    No, I don’t think great-grandpa McCain stands a chance. Nobody even knows he’s running. Obullshit is already saying how he’ll be President for 8 or 10 years. But when they elect the manchurian heir presumptive, and he turns out to be a total commie fuckwad and the media starts wondering how this happened ... then I’ll call Shennanigans on the MSM. He is their creation, and they are so far up his ass it looks like he’s 3” taller and 30lbs heavier. When things go wrong - not if, but when - then I call for riots and arson against the networks and the papers and the magazines. Purify them, once and for all. They’re the ones that want the revolution that puts them in charge, and they’ve been acting this way since 1974. Time for them to pay the price of tyrants when their plan flops.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/23/2008  at  06:14 PM  

  6. LOL  good_one

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   07/27/2008  at  02:32 PM  

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