New NYC Crime: Manspreading


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/02/2015 at 11:16 AM   
  1. Boy, electing a Commie mayor sure is gaining NY citizens bonus points for stupid and crazy BS huh.
    Fuck Em.
    nah-nah  finger  skull  mooning  mickeymouse  fuckyou

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/02/2015  at  05:46 PM  

  2. Meanwhile a ‘school’ in MN takes it’s children to a porn store (via the blaze). And in CO a school lunch manager was fired for giving a school lunch rather than the bun/cheese/milk that is suppose to be given to kids with no money (via irjreview). Remember government cheese - how the f*#^ ( and I try daily not to use such bad words) can these people call themselves progressives with a straight face?!?

    While our media is all gaga over the mentally ill former olympian pretending to be a ‘woman’ - the DOJ is out making new gun ‘rules’ to ‘keep out of the hands’ of the mentally ‘unstable’ and those domestic violence bitter clingers. Except that that is currently the LAW OF THE LAND - see The Gun Control Act of 1968. The only difference I am seeing is that the current law uses the word adjudicated - which, of course, means that a person needs to go through the criminal justice system - not the Administration’s more preferred accusations and innuendo.

    Wrong Is Right - totally insane. I’m with Rush - who yesterday said - what we can’t understand is how so many people are buying into this distorted version of reality.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/03/2015  at  09:22 AM  

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