Neighborly News


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/13/2011 at 07:17 PM   
  1. I am glad that she made it through and is in rehab - the rehab places - suck (TIRR, where Giffords is sucks big time) but those centers people go to from home for long term rehab are great. Good luck to her - and at least she has the sense to re-consider her biking ways.

    On that note, the woman who influenced (not engendered the fear response of my Mom) me the most in life is going into the NIH for removal of a brain tumor on July 13th. This is not the Big C raising it’s head - she has Von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) disease which throws tumors (or heart attacks - as your body reacts to it) - she started with a breast tumor, then a brain tumor (which that surgery left her partially paralyzed - and lead to the diagnosis) and many little ones that have since been ignored as they are never malignant - just bothersome. But this one continues to grow, is giving her headaches and now must be removed. I met her the day after we arrived in CA (Nov 1975) and despite everyone’s attempt to paint her as wrong, evil and vile - she brought me back to God, the church and into what family and parenting really mean. We have wandered all over America & Germany together (saw the Passion Play in Oberrammergau together) - and they were my children’s guardians should we pass (Not to mention that they are my children’s Godparents too). She is more of a sister than either of my sisters has ever been, she is more of a Mother than my Mom ever was and she is my best friend. I love her daughters & son as my own and we have both buried a child, so we understand each other well. It is going to be a long month - and I worry about what is coming.

    Sort of makes your own life look damn good.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/14/2011  at  07:56 AM  

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