My reply to flapjawman


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 09/14/2011 at 05:37 PM   
  1. (I know, I know what I’m in for)

    Reagan showed the way. Unapologetic conservative positions win every time

    This is exactly why the msm/left/dems attack/hate Sarah Palin with such a passion - she can and would beat Obama. I truly believe that the two things that lost the 2008 election were McAmnesty and ACORN.

    Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman and Herman Cain - could take the (P)resident down in a heartbeat - it is why the msm & polls are pushing Rick ‘Mandate’ Perry and Mittens ‘Romneycare’ Romeny - just like McAmnesty - a loser and/or go along to get along RINO - i.e. political business as usual in DC.

    We The People need to step up and fight back - but the first commenter on the AT article had it right - No one is fighting Obama for fear of being called racist. And on that Holder is right - We are cowards.

    And it will destroy America - just like Illegal Aliens receiving 4.2 BILLION in refundable tax credits last year (Washington Post) - how do you get that without a SS number and/or filing taxes?????

    May they all rot in hell - Obama first.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/15/2011  at  08:41 AM  

  2. That’s also why the Left––Dems, media––are attacking everyone because of religion.

    Religion is also ‘conservative’ in that it enjoins you to limit your behavior.

    Face it: if you follow Judeo-Christian teachings you will not get STDs, including AIDS, as just one example. No single-parent ‘families’. The children will have a mother AND a father––not just some anonymous sperm donator. (barring death of one of the parents)

    So Mitt Romney is attacked for being a Mormon while Harry Reid, also a Mormon, is given a pass. Why? Reid isn’t really a Mormon. He might be a member of the church, he might pay tithing, but he should be excommunicated for lying every time he opens his mouth. He doesn’t believe in the teachings of the church, else he couldn’t support Democrat policies.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/15/2011  at  09:10 AM  

  3. Chris - doesn’t that also include the oh-so-pious SanFranGranNan - whose favorite word is THE WORD - catholic who violates probably every single tenant of the Catholic Church?

    I spent a lot of time wondering how anyone could vote for these morons and then I figured it out - the people that vote for them are so debase and amoral - that the political losers, cheats and liars - make them feel good and superior.

    That isn’t why I vote for a political candidate. Which is why someone came up with the idea to outlaw ‘poll taxes’ (and then mandate that property taxes constitute poll taxation) and passed an Amendment to let 18 year olds vote - they know who the emo/gut/amoral are among the masses.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/16/2011  at  07:58 AM  

  4. wardmama, you bring up a lot of issues that deserve a post themselves.

    Would you be willing to write up some of your complaints? I know, you aren’t an admin, but you could forward your article to me and I’ll post it for you.

    Drew, peiper, I don’t know what the current requirements are, I think wardmama should be an admin. I guess I was ‘grandfathered’ in since the late Skipper asked me, and I haven’t pissed anyone off enough to get kicked off. I know, Mr. Christiansen opened it up for awhile. It was a fun free-for-all. I kinda miss those days.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/16/2011  at  07:12 PM  

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