must not sing god bless the usa as it could offend other cultures.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 06/11/2012 at 08:39 AM   
  1. Other cultures can shove their offended feelings up their third world asses.  They don’t think twice about offending my culture.  Suck it. This is America and if you believe that crap you should emigrate elsewhere because you don’t deserve to be here.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   06/11/2012  at  09:02 AM  

  2. grayjohn, and what really grabs me is that as far as we know, nobody has complained.
    It seems it’s almost always some pin head ass wipe leftist hand wringer that worries about someone else being offended. Can not stand those ppl. Really. I think every last one of em deserves shooting. They are cankers on the body politic.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/11/2012  at  09:10 AM  

  3. Wait a damn NY minute - read - the kindergarten class worked a month learning the song - and then this pathetic excuse for a principal decided it -might offend - other cultures. This is why people are no longer assimilating - they are allowed to stay backward, ignorant and bitterly clinging to their 3rd world cultures even after coming to America to make a better life for themselves.

    A liberal enabler - talk about indoctrinating the future serfs of America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/11/2012  at  11:20 AM  

  4. Most cultures deserve to be offended. Not a one of them did what Western Civilization, under the Judeo-Christian ethics and teachings have done. Does anyone on BMEWS believe that Muslims would have launched a space program that landed Judeo-Christian men on the Moon? Does anyone believe women would have equal rights w/o Judeo-Christian culture? Show me anything worthwhile that Muslims, Aztecs, or even the Chinese have done worthwhile in the last 1500 years? Alright, I’ll give the French and the Chinese a pass: they came up with some damn good cuisine.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/11/2012  at  04:41 PM  

  5. Chris, Have you ever read any of the Judge Dee books?  Interesting stuff.
    As for Chinese, yeah but then, they never (originally) wanted any intercourse with outsiders. Neither did the Japanese for that matter. All they wanted was, to be left alone.
    Brits and others had other ideas. Like Opium. Great contribution that.
    I wouldn’t say they haven’t contributed anything but I suppose it depends on the worth one puts on ‘contributions.’ And to be fair, the French like em or not, have made major contributions in art, science,medicine etc. And yeah, cuisine for sure. And please do not forget they gave us Bardot, Denise Darcel (spelling?)and a few others whose names I can not spell.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/12/2012  at  07:13 AM  

  6. Give them a pass? I won’t. Ok, for the food, a small one, that’s all.

    For all their philosophers, all their Age of Reason, all their Rights of Man, the French threw off the yoke of tyrannical monarchy and descended into violent madness. Then they brought monarchy right back and gave the world Napoleon. Twice. Coming into the Industrial Revolution they lagged behind everyone, even with Jacquard and his programmable weaving machine: the first computer. But they did nothing with it other than make fancy cloth for the rich. It was Herman Hollerith and the US Census Bureau who stretched the concept. I’d have to dig to find other things the French lead the world in during that time (smokeless gun powder in 1888 was one, but it was the Germans who made the good steel and designed the modern rifle and ammunition). And let’s not forget it was the USA that saved France when the blight hit all their vineyards.

    China claims to have invented everything, and perhaps they did. Ship’s rudder, toilet paper, wheelbarrow, etc. But the never ending civil wars in China meant that all that knowledge was lost repeatedly, and the rest of the world made better use of most of those inventions, while China remained a feudal level society well into the 20th century.

    Ok, the French can cook. But so can the Italians and the Indians and the Siamese. And the Chinese who got out of China learned to open restaurants that strongly adapted parts of their cuisine to local tastes.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/12/2012  at  07:16 AM  

  7. A liberal enabler - talk about indoctrinating the future serfs of America.

    You sure nailed it Wardmom. So did Christopher. Ah, one point to be made about female equality and Judeo teachings.
    Sadly, there are many who are almost the Jewish version of the Taliban but minus the suicide thing. Those would be the stick in the Israeli eye as elsewhere, and are .... fundamentalists. Yup. Even we have em and I can’t say I think much of them that is printable

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/12/2012  at  07:19 AM  

  8. Greta Hawkins, are your kindergarteners having their graduation ceremony at the UN? No? Then in that case your worldview is totally fucked up.

    Maybe you should go back to Africa for a few years to learn a little nationalism. Should you survive that hellpit unshot, unraped, unenslaved, un- genitally mutilated, uninfected by AIDS and a hundred other dread maladies, and unaffected by the human caused mass starvation all around you, and unconverted to pisslam, you can come back here and live like a god on your principal’s salary. My bet is you’ll be leading the chorus at that point.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/12/2012  at  07:25 AM  

  9. I’m surprised (NOT) that no one here mentioned the great ‘passion’ of the current faux Administration and of course the real ‘reaction’ of muslims - would there even be the word gay allowed? Talk about pandering to a culture that will, in the end, wipe you out.

    Ms Hawkins wouldn’t be where she is, in the majority of the cultures she is bending over to pander too.

    Nothing like stupid being in charge.

    Drew - reminds of the story of a young black man who was high and mighty - went to some African country as part of the embassy/diplomat corps - said it was the longest year of his life and when he got off the airplane (yes, it was back in the day of stairs) - he kissed the ground and left his African-centric crappola behind.

    There is nothing, absolutely nothing like real world experience.

    We loved living in Germany - considered staying for another tour - but even there I was surprised at the tax rate and gov intervention that those people took for granted. And I hear it’s only gotten worse since we were there (fall of the wall).

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/12/2012  at  08:40 AM  

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