must be spring break


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/17/2016 at 09:15 AM   
  1. I would try to be on that list but for one simple reason; I know I would break shit and make a mess of things.
    So I will just add my two cents worth when the occasion demands it and leave it at that.
    take a bow

    Posted by Rich K    United States   04/17/2016  at  06:14 PM  

  2. I’m here. Kinda.
    I work for Amazon and it’s spring, and it’s tax time, so people are buying lots of shoes
    (My warehouse is pretty much 99% shoes so there ya go)
    Think in the past 6 weeks, 4 of those have had mando OT. It’s been crazy.
    Oh and oldest son is going to his senior prom at the end of the month.
    (Where the HELL does the time go?!?! He turned 19 in Jan, youngest turns 17 in Sept)
    This upcoming weekend kicks off Kentucky Derby Festival here (two weeks of PARTY!)
    Starting next month is concert season for us
    Disturbed/Rob Zombie, Ghost, Avatar, Hellyeah, 3 days of Rock on the Range (music festival in Columbus OH) oh and Weird Al (I know, interesting mix there)
    We just saw the Who last month (damn that was a FUN show)
    Oh and we just picked up tickets for Alice Cooper in Aug.
    Never seen him before and he’s coming to our hometown of Louisville KY? A half hour from our house? HELL YES WE’RE THERE!
    Other than that and watching what has to be the most entertaining leadup to a Presidential election in my LIFETIME, meh, not much going on here smile

    Posted by Severa    United States   04/18/2016  at  04:51 AM  

  3. I have been here too. Be careful what you wish for/dream - because it might come and bite you in the ass.

    I am on probation for what (appears) might be the ‘perfect’ job [from home, via computer, no requirement to go anywhere at all, ever] - except I really do not know, like and definitely do not understand computers. So, as of late, I’ve been grappling with one of my inner voices as to ‘should I or should I just admit my inadequacies to a friend (Veteran, military life long pretty much family type friend) and a stranger (the hiring guy)’ dilemma. Given the past few years, our total lack of financial resources and common sense says - I should. But. And thus I have not been a pleasant person to be around.

    Much more considerations (personal and health - not only me but others in the family) add to my fence sitting. I have 90 days to tough this out - I fear as like the last time I tried this - I will politely be told that I just am not cut out for it. I guess some pay is better than none. But no one can decide what I’m to be paid either. Which adds to my dilemma. This is not a new company they should have a pay scale? Yes, no?!? Did I mention that it has been years - nay a decade (almost) since I actually worked at an employed job that required a daily participation? Poll worker is just a day - doesn’t really count.

    Oh bother, I guess I will go grocery shopping and mull it all over in my mind to avoid wanting to kill the lesser examples of humans I will encounter.

    To cheer myself up - Go Red Wings!!!!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/18/2016  at  07:43 AM  

  4. Ok I have decided to take the job. The owner (Veteran friend) called with the starting pay - more than I expected. Can’t really turn it down. Now I have to re-arrange my life to fit in at least a decent amount of work each week.

    In other news - my daughter spent Saturday in the prison where Shawshank Redemption and the Russian General’s prison scenes from Air Force One were filmed. A ‘ghost’ hunter/tour was a birthday gift from her best friend.

    So much for my pathetic life.

    Wanna hear a good one - according to the big o - people in America think that the economy sucks because of the trauma caused during the terrible bushitlerburtonco recession. Yeah right. What a schmuck.

    And I sent of a get well card to peiper.I just hope it gets there - I can’t even read what I wrote in my address book!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/18/2016  at  02:06 PM  

  5. Wardmama - write me at my blog mail, and I will send you his proper address if you think yours is off. UK has strange mailing standards and abbreviations, so yes, it really should have “Hants” in the address.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/20/2016  at  04:23 PM  

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