Muslim sues after workmates ‘laughed at his beard’.  got it. so now ya can’t laugh either. ok.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/09/2009 at 02:29 PM   
  1. What a stupid-looking beard!

    OK - I was ready to grant that cow orkers shouldn’t laugh at another employees appearance. But I just naturally assumed the beard was - like - beard-looking!

    That isn’t a beard! It’s a medical condition! Or an infestation!

    That thing looks like the Attack Of The Chin-Critters! It looks like sumpin has him by the throat and is about to snuff the life outa him!

    Posted by ooGcM taobmaetS    United States   03/09/2009  at  03:48 PM  

  2. Kind of Amish-style chin spinach.

    I’m surprised that police regulations allow an officer to grow what is, in effect, a ‘handle’ on their faces.  A thug could grab that, and, good night Gertie!

    Posted by heldmyw    United States   03/09/2009  at  04:02 PM  

  3. I think they should take the same line the US navy does, for the same reasons. The Navy doesn’t care what your religion is, and you can express that religion however you see fit.


    Your face WILL be shaven such that a gas mask can get a positive seal, which CANNOT happen on hair.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   03/10/2009  at  08:36 AM  

  4. Looks alot like what the women wear on their faces.  He must be hiding virgins in there.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   03/10/2009  at  10:31 AM  

  5. Bwaaaahaaaa Haaahaaaa haaaaahaaaaa haaaaaaaaa!

    Now sue me!

    Posted by Mile66    United States   03/10/2009  at  10:39 AM  

  6. I’d kill for a head of hair that this dude grew on his chin.  can anybody photo shop the pic and put the beard on top of his head and his scalp on his chin?

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    United States   03/10/2009  at  09:37 PM  

  7. This just doesn’t smell right.  Going back to the restaurant incident, what did the other Moslem have to say?  Iqqy seems to have made himself stand out by being self centered and intolerant.  How many other ways could he have handled the incident other than complaining that the other officers were being unfair to him?  Why should the others have to eat at a particular restaurant because he wanted them to?  Can anyone imagine an Orthodox Jew, a vegetarian or a Hindu insisting that every one had to eat at a particular restaurant just because they wanted specially prepared food?

    Apply the same pattern to “...failed to help a colleague arresting a violent offender.” It would be a reasonable assumption on the part of the officers that since a pattern of refusal to be part of the team had been established, that Iqbal would have gone his own way, rather than aiding his brother officers.  Incidentally, just what was Iqbal doing when “...he was dealing with other people at the time.”?  Did he think helping an old lady across the street was more important than a felony arrest, or was he actual doing something important?

    F*ck him where he breathes.  I’d love to be the opposing counsel when the suit gets to court.  Anyone want odds on his crying on the stand during cross examination?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/11/2009  at  03:16 AM  

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