muslim anger in new york amuse park sparks fight. they always find a reason.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/31/2011 at 10:45 AM   
  1. I wonder if the park could have just said OSHA regulations forbid headgear near or on any machinery. Which means a scarf/headgear is a safety violation, same reason why I can’t wear a scarf on a ski lift.

    Posted by rlabutis    United States   08/31/2011  at  01:39 PM  

  2. Sounds like this was intentional - sort of rop version of the flash mob.

    If the group contact person was told about the rule beforehand - isn’t it their job to inform the women?

    Combine that with the Rep (IN wondering aloud why he was addressing a group in Miami, FL) who said:

    some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”

    And of course the Union thugs who have been doing their best for the past couple of years.

    And it seems that America for the next year and two months (not to mention the rioting after Dear Reader loses) will be a hotbed of US v Them.

    Problem is - the Them that they lie about are the producers of the country and own more guns than the US do. And vote - even in off year elections.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/31/2011  at  02:23 PM  

  3. Screw them, sign a waiver and let the bastards hang themselves, btw make the husband wear one too!!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/31/2011  at  07:29 PM  

  4. Dear rlabutis,

    I bet if you convert to Islam you’d be allowed to wear a head scarf on a ski lift.

    This isn’t a safety issue. It’s the Muslims pushing, pushing and pushing against Western culture. The Caliphate is nigh.

    Betcha if the park people gave in and one of the Muslim women’s head covering got caught in the ride’s machinery the lawyers would crawl out of the wood work looking for 7-figure compensation.

    Remember Isadora Duncan?

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   09/01/2011  at  12:54 AM  

  5. me convert? never, wearing scarf on a ski lift is sure way to commit suicide, I have seen many get caught on the chairs.
    I know the muslims are pushing their shitty agenda, my comment was only to say that the parks could have just said that OSHA forbids any loose clothing on ANY machinery and there would have been nothing those clowns could have done.
    The parks need to enforce the safety rule and tell the muslims to fuck off and kick them out for good.

    Posted by rlabutis    United States   09/01/2011  at  09:14 AM  

  6. They ARE animals, so what are they pissed about.  The whole religion and everything to do with it should be outlawed in this country.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/01/2011  at  09:18 AM  

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