mrs o. and daughters in london last week


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 06/27/2015 at 06:22 AM   
  1. It’s always amazing that Liberals never see the insane hypocrisy of their words and actions.  I’ve put out a few comments in Liberal discussions.  The responses I get range from “you’re deluded if you think Conservatives believe that” to “You’re a lieing hypocrite for saying you honor Dr. King.”

    Not only do we see a primary problem with the social requirements demonstrated by the they way the ladies dress, but we’re outraged that Mrs. Obama would endorse that sort of blatant suppression of women’s rights and BLACK women at that!

    Yeah, we’re the “hateful” Conservatives.  One of our key values is the value of each and every human life.  There are no racial, social, economic or to a great extent, religious requirements.  I qualify the the religious aspect, because if a man is trying to exterminate you, you may just have to exterminate him in order to survive.  Typically, we frown on genocide, but you may wonder about exceptions.

    As long as the Moslems stayed in their sand box, enjoyed their oil wealth and played with their camels, goats, women and other chattel, no one cared what they did in Mecca or anywhere else.  We now have multiple varieties of Islamic forces, each announcing how they are going to spread Allah’s word around the world.  For most of us, the immediate threat is skinny, any immediate threat is far away.  However, the threat is visible.

    How many of the Western World Democratic and United State’s principles are violated by the actions and declarations of the Islamists?  Theses guys could have been taken from a horror movie about an insane Satanic cult.

    ...and Mrs. Obama is ENDORSING these people?  I don’t care what their technical achievements are, as long as they think showing their ears is gross immodesty, they are representatives of the Satanic forces building across the Mid East.  Their personal demeanor may be exemplary, but it does not disconnect them from the Islamic State demons or the Mad Mullahs of Iran.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   06/27/2015  at  02:18 PM  

  2. True socialists are oblivious to reality.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   06/27/2015  at  03:58 PM  

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