Mr. Maintenance


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/04/2009 at 11:56 AM   
  1. And so of course the first thing I do after reading this is walk into the john and see what brand I have plugging that hole in the ceiling. Its a Broan and it is reasonably quiet.Its also weak but the noise comforts me when sitting like the american thinker so its gonna stay put. But thanks for the sage advice drew. What a way to start the day,Thinking of Stinking.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/04/2009  at  02:52 PM  

  2. I give. Why do you need a bathroom fan?

    I grew up without such things. If we needed ventilation, we had this new-fangled invention that allowed us to let in air from outside. The air came in straight through the wall. It was called a window.

    Admittedly, five years ago when we remodeled the bathroom, the contractor insisted on installing a vent fan. Despite having a perfectly good window, we agreed.

    So, unless you are like my dear departed smoker dad, who used to release copious amounts of methane (and that was in my bedroom during the winter while he was on his ham radio rig; no ventilation there.), such that it could be a fire hazard, why?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/04/2009  at  02:52 PM  

  3. The window is great so long as it’s not freezing outside.

    The house I grew up in didn’t have a bathroom fan either.  We also had to scrub the bathroom every month in order to keep the mildew away.  When we remodeled the bathroom we installed a fan.  That pretty much took care of the mildew problem.

    Posted by John C    United States   10/04/2009  at  03:14 PM  

  4. Out here in the construction biz we refer to them as Fart Snatchers. Once when building a house for a local mental housing authority, I install the specified fans and they were somehow twice as large as they needed to be. You could see the water in the toilet lift and fall when you turned the fan on and off. It was a real crack-up for a bunch of carpenters. They decided to keep em and live with it.


    Posted by RFA    United States   10/04/2009  at  06:11 PM  

  5. Drew, on thing I found moving to canada is the north american ones come out with one screw and a plug, leaving the frame and wiring in, they are standard so fish out the old one and match it (ours was old so ideal supply ordered it from broan(who make the other big make anyway) then 30 sec job to fit. Pull the fascia down and unclip it to see.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   10/04/2009  at  09:01 PM  

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