Morale Is Low


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 11/14/2006 at 04:10 PM   
  1. Popping in to let you guys know I’m still alive, kicking, and pissing off Rats at every turn:

    My husband recently started work at DynCorp as a mechanic on the V22 Osprey (which has to be one of the ugliest aircraft I’ve ever seen but I digress...) Anyway, he’s working out of NAS Pax River, Maryland. We (kids and I) are staying behind through the holidays, then Jas will be here for Christmas and we’ll pack up our stuff and make the 650someodd mile drive to Great Mills, MD to our new townhome. 

    Kids and I are doing ok, I’ll be turning the big 3-0 the day after Thanksgiving.

    Hope everyone is doing well here (sorry I hadn’t checked in more but Skipper hon this page is a BITCH to load on dialup) and I’ll hope to see you guys more often once we get settled into our new home.

    Posted by Severa    United States   11/14/2006  at  06:47 PM  

  2. Love the Patton paraphrase.

    It will develop that the Donks peaked about 2 years too early to make a significant difference.

    Oh, they’ll hold W’s war funding hostage, and gain a couple of tax increases as ransom, but I predict that we will win all 3 houses in 2008.


    Posted by greenie    United States   11/14/2006  at  06:54 PM  

  3. I missed out on the acronym “RINO"… What is that?

    Also, it would appear that you are going to have to “Kick Leftists Ass” all the way back to Dallas, Lubbock, Las Colinas Country Club, etc… How do you plan to accomplish this? Is it wise to wage a war on so many fronts at once?

    Conservative blogs can indeed fire in any direction. Maybe some diplomacy is called for at this point…

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   11/15/2006  at  01:55 AM  

  4. RINO = Republicans In Name Only.

    see Bloomberg, Michael in the encyclopedia.

    not to mention that Michele ran against a woman whose only claim to fame was her son.

    Diplomacy?  is that like the Democrat term “bipartisanship” which means “do it our way or ELSE”?

    Posted by greenie    United States   11/15/2006  at  08:29 AM  

  5. Damn! Defined RINO before I could. Bah! Anyway, HOOAH Skipper. That’s IT! We’re on ‘em, keep us informed! One of the biggest things will be 2A attacks. Perhaps not THE biggest, but you know they will. Taxes, total ineptness on the war, the butchering of the military budget, the buckling under to the UN for anything(shit, we may end up needing that revolution/Civil war after all).... Not enough space. WE know they screw up everything they touch, how long before the rest know?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   11/15/2006  at  09:20 AM  

  6. RINO, I guess that pretty well describes me at this point. I haven’t agreed with most of what the GOP has been doing for the past several years.

    The Democrats have taken over local politics here in Dallas. What is happening down at City Hall has a lot more direct effect on me than what is happening in Washington DC. I am a pragmatic kind of a fellow; I think I can work with those folks.

    I would like to thank Allan and all the folks here at BMEWS for helping me to realize that I am now a conservative Southern Democrat. It worked for my Granddaddy, I don’t see why it can’t work for me. Damned Yankee carpetbaggers…

    (Cue the Darth Vader music… Stan puts on black helmet and mask and starts that heavy breathing…)

    I have gone over to the dark side of the force…

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   11/15/2006  at  10:39 AM  

  7. Conservative Southern Democrat?

    Do you mean like Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Jim Folsom, Huey P. Long, etc?

    (Cue Jedi Theme music ... Skipper pulls back his hood to reveal he is actually Obi-Wan Kenobi)


    (Suddenly Obi-Wan’s light saber slices through Vader’s helmet revealing ... an empty hat)

    nah-nah  confederate_flag  big_us_flag  confederate_flag  nah-nah

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   11/15/2006  at  11:00 AM  

  8. Then there’s Zell Miller.

    Posted by Macker    United States   11/15/2006  at  11:03 AM  

  9. dud you really mean “helmet”?  or “tin foil hat”?

    just wondering.

    Posted by greenie    United States   11/15/2006  at  11:38 AM  

  10. You’re right, Greenie!

    [Correction to previous comment to Darth Vader: replace “helmet” with “tinfoil hat"]


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   11/15/2006  at  11:45 AM  

  11. More like Sam Rayburn, John Connolly, Bob Bullock, etc… I would hope…

    God help me, I am about to drive to Austin to finish a remodel on a property I have there. I am going to hire some day labor from in front of the Home Depot. I am not even going to ask to see their green cards.

    I may send a check to the DNC before I go. See what you have driven me to…

    I am to far to the center to be a Republican anymore.

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   11/15/2006  at  11:48 AM  

  12. Yellow Dog, what made you shift from the right to the center?

    Posted by lisar915    United States   11/15/2006  at  01:44 PM  

  13. Basically agree with your response Skipper except for the part on Iraq - 60% of the ‘insurgents’ captured aren’t Iraqis they are Syrian, Iranians and Jordanians. This is not something we expected. The ‘sunni’ triangle stuff has been going on since islam began because they dislike each other only a nanostep below how much they hate the ‘infidels’. There were ways to prevent it/lessen it - but when you want all the terror to be where you have armed troops - is Iraq the failure that everyone in the msm/dnc says it is? Now you got ‘experts’ claiming to subdivide Iraq into three mini-countries would be a disaster and to withdrawl will be a disaster - so much for ‘stay the course’.

    So it turns out between the experts and Generals - Iraq was done just about as good as it could be done - given we are fighting people who don’t care who they kill, just to make their point. Let ‘em stay there and kill as many as they can. Better there than the streets of DC or London - better to kill off as many muslims as possible - whose going to fight when they take their population below a certain point?

    And the final point - given our presence in Afghanistan and Iraq we have Ahmadinejad enclosed - which is probably the safest position given the ‘stupid’ masses choice of dem in the election.

    Only problem with Iraq - Bush should have said ‘to heck with Turkey’ and sent the 4th ID in from another way. The overkill in the first would have made the difference - his dad did the same - just didn’t ‘shock and awe’ it over in the first place. Which is why we are now in redu.

    Problem is - if we cut and run this time - the consequences could spell the end of Western civilization as we know it. And we may not get the chance for another redu

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/15/2006  at  03:55 PM  

  14. Lisa,

    GW was a good Governor. He worked with a Democratic legislature and got a hell of a lot done. He is in over his head now. I would be interested in knowing if Allan thinks that he is a “RINO”. He got taken captive by the right wing of the GOP and the neo-cons when he got to DC. Check out his body language when he signed the law to build that dumb-ass, pork-barrel wall along he Rio Grande. He slammed down the pen on the desk, and scowled, after he signed it. He knew it was a stupid thing to do, but he did it anyway. He had the right idea originally with the guest worker program, but didn’t have the strength of his convictions. 

    I refer you to my previous comments.

    Here are a few more of my problems with the current state of the GOP:

    • Out of control deficit spending, big Government.
    • Kicked ass in Iraq, but failed to put enough boots on the ground to win the occupation.
    • Scandals, scandals, scandals… Politicians behaving badly.
    • Etc…

    The GOP seems to be taking my vote for granted, so I am going to work the other side of the isle for awhile.

    (RINO stampedes out of the building in a cloud of dust.)

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   11/15/2006  at  06:54 PM  

  15. Yellow Dog, why is building a fence on the Southern border stupid?

    Posted by lisar915    United States   11/16/2006  at  02:44 PM  

  16. Most of illegals come across the bridges. Money spent on a fence is better spent on more Border Patrol agents or Webb County deputies. Walls don’t really work very well, i.e. the Great Wall of China.

    The best way to handle this is a national ID card and a guest worker program. I am in Austin, Texas right now. When I went to the Home Depot to buy plywood this morning, there were 50 or 60 Hispanic guys out by the street, maybe 10% of them are legal. This happens every day. We don’t have enough Border Patrol agents to round them up and deport them. A wall won’t help that.

    I have a crew of Hispanics trimming trees around here right now. They drove up with a truck, trailer and chain saws after the wind blew some big limbs down last night. There are four of them, there is only one of them that speaks a little English. I haven’t asked to look at their green cards.

    The wall will create jobs and help contractors along the border for a while, but it will not have any long term effect. It is Pork with a capital “P”.

    Allan has changed my avitar… Cool…

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   11/16/2006  at  06:46 PM  

  17. I will reprint my previous comment:

    The people who think that building a wall will work (and I don’t think that GW really believes that it will), probably haven’t spent enough time in a border town to understand how they work. Every day in Laredo, thousands of Mexicans come across the bridges to shop, work, conduct business, visit relatives or whatever. This is not illegal. The border towns depend on this happening to drive the economy.

    A lot of the Mexicans will buy some groceries at the HEB, or some jeans at Casa Raul and turn around and go back to Mexico. This is perfectly legal. If you want to stay in the US, all you have to do is head north instead of south.

    There is a border patrol checkpoint about 40 miles north of Laredo on I-35. To travel past that point, you need the proper papers. I have been through that checkpoint hundreds of times and I have never been stopped and searched. I am a big ugly Anglo, as you can no doubt tell from my avatar. The Captain can also vouch for this as we used to work together. Here is what happens.

    1) You drive up to the checkpoint.
    2) The Border Patrol agent asks, “US citizen?”
    3) I say, “Yes sir.”
    4) He waves me through the checkpoint.

    If a big ugly Anglo wants to be “coyote” (people smuggler), he can make about $500 per Mexican for each time he gets waved through. A very small percentage of thousands of trucks and cars that roll through the checkpoint every day get searched.

    If you don’t want to pay a coyote, you can hike around it. Just get someone to drop you off somewhere on the south side of the checkpoint, hike through the ranches, and get someone to pick you up on the north side of the checkpoint. Sometimes the Border Patrol will catch you, but most of the time they won’t. A lot of the ranchers will build steps over the barbed wire fences so that they don’t get cut or damaged. You really don’t want the cattle to get loose.

    A lot of the Mexicans, particularly the wealthier ones (there are more of them than you would think) would rather shop in San Antonio or Dallas and these cities welcome their pesos. It is very easy to get the papers to do that. They get waved through the checkpoint too. Sometimes they don’t go back to Mexico.

    A fence will not do anything at all to prevent Mexicans from getting into the US. The only reason that a Mexican would swim the Rio Grande or climb a fence to get into the US, would be to get the benefit of the good exercise.

    I am sorry to have inflicted this depressing reality check on BMEWS readers, but that is what is happening down here in Texas. Some type of national ID card is a better way to deal with this.

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   11/16/2006  at  06:50 PM  

  18. I couldn’t resist, Yellow Dawg. I was browsing the net in Google and saw that image and ... well, the devil made me do it.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   11/16/2006  at  06:54 PM  

  19. I DO agree with you about the national ID card, though. It’s past time to implement that.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   11/16/2006  at  06:55 PM  

  20. i have clutched to the states’ rights side of the Constitution as long as I could, but yeah, this one is overdue.  add a smart chip and a biometric ID.  why mess around.

    Posted by greenie    United States   11/16/2006  at  07:11 PM  

  21. Okay, let us re-look at the RINO concept. A by god Southern Democrat is a hell of a lot more of what a Republican is supposed to be than a RINO is. Hell, if the good ol’ boys take party control I may be swayed. You “stupids” better realize that America does not want that left wing psychobullshit. The loonies got voted in because they were more audibly right wing than you’ve shown yourselves to be lately. This will more than probably prove to be a trick, but it won.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   11/17/2006  at  10:37 AM  

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