Moonbats in Pennsylvania


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 12/17/2004 at 07:11 AM   
  1. Speaking as the daughter of a born and bred Pittsburger I say to that democratic councilman"Remove this!”.*Raises middle finger of left hand*

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   12/17/2004  at  07:33 AM  

  2. Shit we were advertising in Pittsburgh right up till the election and I never saw so many Kerry signs in my life.

    All the roads end up going through mountain tunnels so everybody ends up sitting in traffic jams all the TIME.  Hell, I would need a Mentle Health driving Guru If I had to stay in that Hell Hole.

    But of course the people I enrolled in Tax Free HSAs all had Bush signs in their front yards and the nicest people you would ever want to meet. 

    That ”Quinn in the Morning” on 104.7 FM is really good, I think, in Pittsburgh.  Colin McNickles was the reporter that TaRAYsa Heinz said, “Shove it.” to.  He answers the phone personally for the Pittsburgh paper thats worth reading.

    In Pittsburgh they want to discourage beer drinking so you can’t buy a six pack you have to buy a case, go figure.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   01/19/2005  at  07:34 AM  

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