moonbats everywhere alive and well


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/21/2014 at 12:25 PM   
  1. I’m not 100% on this, but I think the Rastas believe that Haile Selasie, benevolent dictator of Ethiopia, was the 2nd coming of Jesus. Or something close to that. Marley just happened to be a popular musician who really spread the word. I think.

    I wonder if these guys are being given massive bags of weed, since being utterly zonked is part of their worship. I think. Aside from that, Rastas are quite close to Christians in lots of ways.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/21/2014  at  02:24 PM  

  2. If I were looking for a black culture to adulate, Ethiopia would be one of the top contenders. Whatever else they may have been, may be, or may not be, the culture has been mainly Christian since 300AD. That’s older than Saint Patrick, and roughly on par with the faith’s roots in England. AND for an even longer time, from the kingdom of Aksum in 800BC down to the present day, it has been a black country that was never colonized or conquered by any white or muslim nation, except for a very very short time. Egypt didn’t beat them. The Romans didn’t beat them, the Greeks didn’t beat them, MoHamHead’s A-rab hordes didn’t beat them ... and it took the Italians 2 tries to win, and Mussolini only did it with bombers and widespread use of poison gas. That’s quite impressive.

    And they make a killer spicy hot meat stew to boot.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/21/2014  at  03:23 PM  

  3. The whole rasta thing is used by many as a cover to grow hair that looks disgusting and unwashed. Maybe I’ve seen a few too many of their underclass and judge the rest, which I must concede isn’t fair. Damn, that’s more a libtard failing. Hrmph ... Anyway.
    Talk to the Israelis about the Ethiopian Jews they took in. Nothing but problems, or so I have been led to believe.

    Off topic ...
    How did the dentist thing go? Have you reset your watch?lol. Sorry Drew but that was funny.
    The closest thing to that and a good deal funnier, was when super banjo picker / singer
    comic / Roni Stoneman, who was never on time and had a reputation for being tardy, showed up at a concert all bright eyed and pleased that she got there early. Except the concert was the day before.
    I loved her anyway. Her image on Hee-Haw did her no honest justice, and yeah, she did have that awful gap in front teeth, the result of her daddy pulling teeth as there weren’t no dentist-a-pullin teeth and if there were they could ill afford one. As near as I can recall what she told me. But what a voice and one of the least known banjo pickers of huge talent. I still have a musical crush on her.
    She once asked me if I would produce an album she wanted to do.
    The project never came off, but I wasn’t surprised. And anyway, I would not have been up to the job at that time. Or even later for that matter.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/22/2014  at  05:57 AM  

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