moonbat of the year?  I give up. Things just keep getting so pc they all win top prize.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/18/2010 at 07:20 AM   
  1. The movie “Idiocracy” is becoming more and more relevant…

    Posted by TimO    United States   11/18/2010  at  07:54 AM  

  2. Please tell me this is a joke. I’m a professor at a U.S. public university and am constantly amazed and appalled by the students’ lack of fundamental skills, such as writing a complete sentence or organizing their ‘thoughts’ into a coherent paragraph. If they aren’t graded, when will they figure out that their actions (or inactions) have consequences?

    Department Of Education Study Finds Teaching These Little Shits No Longer Worth It

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   11/18/2010  at  10:43 AM  

  3. They finally made it complete. No wrong answers, no right answers, no damn answers at all required.
    Pay the lady at the counter and go out and make something of yourself you uneducated trolls.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/18/2010  at  04:55 PM  

  4. I don’t think it matters one whit.

    In school I was always that annoying, super keen kid who had his hand up halfway through the teacher asking the question. Every question, every time. School was amazing boring as teacher would ignore me, year after year, and call on every dumbshit Jack and Jill in the class, none of whom had the slightest clue. Year after year. Frankly, I could have easily learned 4 times as much if the syllabus wasn’t geared for ‘tards.

    So why bother raising your hand? The teacher is going to call on whoever she wants anyway.

    So let the schools ban raising of hands. Then they’ll use that as justification to cut the budget for any advanced classes - as if they have any anyway - because they obviously aren’t needed: look, no students are ever raising their hands, so they’re unable to even do the basic stuff. That same justification will be used to add even more short bus rider classes.

    I think 3 out of 4 grade school teachers ought to be shot. And 8 out of 10 grade school principals and administrators. They suck.

    I think the reason we have so damn many kids diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, and whatever the learning disorder of the week is, is because teachers are fucking lazy commie shits. Teach the same low level twaddle 96 different ways, with all sorts of expensive “learning aids”. Because that’s so much easier than a broad and complex syllabus, which might actually cause active thinking in the students, who might then ask questions that force the teacher to actually think. Or to at least become the master of the subject, instead of just knowing the 10 basic facts and teaching the “slow” kids them over and over and over.

    It’s a crock. Children’s brains are little sponges. They thrive on learning. The more you pour in, the more they can absorb. Yes, kids run on sugar and they bounce all over the place. And some of them have wild and highly active imaginations. That’s not because they can’t focus, that’s because they’re full of life and energy and their developing little minds are bursting at the seams looking for new things to experience and learn about.

    I could read before I was in kindergarten. So what? So could my brother. So could my wife. I got into first grade and was introduced to Dick and Jane. Pretty tame stuff, seeing as I’d already read Treasure Island and Moby Dick. Granted, as a 5 year old I didn’t see the deeper allegorical meaning ( nor did Melville, the author ), but I read that 100 year old manuscript from cover to cover. It didn’t matter. I had to go back to chanting the alphabet and reading “books” of 10 pages and a grand total of 40 words. Even though I could discuss the books I had read, the teacher didn’t believe me. I was lying. Why, she’d been teaching 1st grade for 45 years an no student had ever ... blah blah blah.

    Home school your child if you want them to have any chance in the world. If you want them to have any brain. You want mindless little socialist drones, who can only tell you why America sucks, and then run about playing soccer, soccer, soccer, until their knees blow out at the advanced age of 11? That is, when the teacher isn’t diagnosing them with various psychological conditions and legally forcing you to dope the daylights out of them? Then send them to public school.

    Me, attitude problem???

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/18/2010  at  10:14 PM  

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