Monday Morning News Bytes


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/09/2005 at 06:19 AM   
  1. Good answers, Cat.  I understand the butterflies.  It will all go well and soon you’ll be out messing with your animals.  I have my fingers crossed for you!

    1.  “Fat tax”, “Snack tax”?  So what?  Ever see a kid who drops a nickel or a dime bother to bend over and pick it up?  Our school had tons of vending machines and there was so much dropped change in front of them it was laughable.  Besides, anyone who ‘lives’ on fast food won’t be needing money for long.  Good - tax the hell out of it.  As for ‘snack tax’, why not change it to ‘snatch tax’ and come down hard on the pimps who run prostitution rings and pay no taxes.  Good grief.

    2.  This is the GOP just getting started.  The Hildabeast ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  Rove is roving, and he’s not about to stop until the Hildabeast wishes she were lying on her side in the Serengeti.

    3.  One day after school when I was in the tenth grade, I came home to find my sister in my room playing with my make-up.  She was playing my records and Gene Pitney was crooning “I’m Gonna Love my Life Awayyy”.  For some unknown reason, I started dancing around as I took off my school clothes, stockings hooked to garters and all, and tossing them around as if I were doing a strip dance.  Then I flopped on my bed in my jeans and t-shirt and only then, bothered to look out my window.  There was a boarding house next door and a big fat man was standing there, naked in his window with his pee pee in his hand.  He spent the rest of the night showing it to me.  I kept my lights off, but I had a radio on the window and he could see the red ‘on’ light on the back of the radio, so he knew I was in there.  I was horrified to realize I was shining a red light for this pervert.  Peeping Pig.

    4.  A student in my school was almost arrested for having an asthma pill in her pocket.  Some teacher found her getting ready to take it and made a big stink.  The parents had to come to school where a much bigger stink was made.  What was this little kid going to do with the nails?  Stick ‘em in his friends’ ears while they stood silently acquiescing just for fun?

    5.  Come on.  Give these guys a break.  Ya can’t carry around a big piece when you have a limp weenie.  Sheesh.

    Posted by Phoenix    United States   05/09/2005  at  11:27 AM  

  2. In connection with taxes, I must come down on the side of Hank Reardon in Atlas Shrugged.

    The only significant difference between a
    tax looter and an armed robber is that the robber does not ask me to give moral sanction to his act.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   05/09/2005  at  09:42 PM  

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