Mirror, mirror, on the wall …


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/17/2009 at 07:13 AM   
  1. Yes - and take away some of the stupid complaints (i.e. voting for him because he was black - 1) he isn’t, he is half black/half white and 2) the racist(ness?!?) of that - anyone with half a brain (black or white) knew that was going to happen which is exactly why the Democrats nominated him) and let’s move onto the more important ones:

    1) the Senate (tee hee hee - talk about a conflict of interest) is suppose to verify the eligibility of the candidate to run for office. Forget all the blather - this was more important for B. Hussein Obama than any other candidate - as his father was not an American nor was he even attempting to become an American citizen. Second - sorry but for POTUS - a raised seal birth certificate or nothing should be the standard - most especially when the candidate has one parent who is not an American citizen.

    2) The President must answer how when he arrived in NY to go to Columbia, he was flat broke but somehow almost immediately was able to go to Indonesia, Pakistan (non-US travel list and all)& India trip? And then the President must answer on what passport did he do that travel? US, British, Indonesian? The voters of America have a right to know.

    3) The President & Senate must answer exactly why he was approved & seated when BHO lied on his IL Senate form (did you ever use another name? NO - yet we have proof that while in Indonesia he went through school as Barry Soetoro) Isn’t it a crime to lie on a government form? And why was this acceptable at all? And why did the Republicans not make hay of this at all? Yeah, yeah I know his step father enrolled him, he probably had to do it to get by in Indonesia but a lie is a lie is a federal crime lie.

    4) Exactly where did he get/come up with all the money to go to Occidental College, Columbia College and Harvard? Has that ever been explained other than the euphemistic ‘we finally paid off all our college loans after the book deal was paid?’ Two lawyers don’t have the money to pay off college loans? Shouldn’t that have been or isn’t that alone a red flag? [Ok maybe this one is just me, I don’t like having debt and I want to pay it and pay it off as quickly as I can]

    5) And we have to ask, how convenient (and politically expedient) the the very Supreme Court Justice who threw out via a clerk the Berg case (which would have shed light on all of these birth certificate questions) just happened (out of the blue) to retire (as more than one lawsuit is winding its way up to the Supreme Court -and pave the way for a 5 seat liberal court just before any of this will come out. He avoids allegations & investigations and probably just insured that none of this will be heard while BHO is in office {Dr. Orly Taitz [she is the one who exposed Souter’s involvement in the throwing out of the Berg case to the Supreme Court - who must verify the eligibility of any President] and there is a new one - that BHO isn’t qualified to rule on GM/Chrysler until he proves he is eligible to be President).

    6) How about answering some tough questions and impaneling an objective and (gag me) bi-partisan group to investigate the ACORN connection to you, your campaign, election fraud and of course the skimming, scamming and laundry of millions of American taxpayer dollars?

    and of course this question - which is never asked but kind of skated around now and then:

    7) If BHO Sr was still married to Kesia - does that not make the Obama/Dunham marriage non-legal and how exactly would that play into 1) the fact that he does not release his raised seal birth certificate and 2) his nationality/citizenship status? And is that the reason alone he won’t release his raised seal birth certificate.

    BHO has proven to be a liar, a turncoat, a political expedient and an idiot - a young relatively unaccomplished nobody who is desperate to be somebody - at everyone else expense.

    And isn’t that the very definition of narcissist?

    And why does it seem that no one in America with even some power seems to care?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/17/2009  at  08:36 AM  

  2. 7) You betcha, it’s bigamy, so the marriage is invalid. AND he knocked up Oba-mommy when she was still underage. So that means Obama is a total bastard either way.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/17/2009  at  10:02 AM  

  3. I can understand the hard-core Once a Democrat, always a Democrat voter ignoring the BHO story (look at their Liberal Lion Ted’Abridgetoofar’Kennedy) and of course I understand the racists among the country (like Colin Powell) who saw this as a chance to get even, get back and whatever bigoted thoughts dash through their heads to get even at whitey and it is a given that the union thugs are in the tank for The One (tm) - what I can’t understand is how anyone does not even want these questions to be answered.

    As pointed out - when the implosion comes (and believe me, it is coming) - it will set back the Democrats (uh, hey guys anyone remember the Whigs?!?) for decades, race relations (most especially with his Latina uber alles pick) and of course set back all advancements and progress in America.

    Also, isn’t it a symptom of insanity to keep doing the same thing over and over again in hopes of a different outcome?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/17/2009  at  11:27 AM  

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