Military Experts At The Times


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 11/19/2006 at 01:42 PM   
  1. Ok, that wasn’t a bad effort. You’ll need to ratchet up the anger and the name calling about another dozen notches to be on par with the Emperor though. Keep ‘em coming!

    Yeah, the Slimes is such a tub of dung. Hypocrits all.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/19/2006  at  04:10 PM  

  2. Hehehehe. I never claimed to be in Misha’s class, Drew. Nobody does it like him. I am but an unworthy laborer learning from the master. Long live Darth Misha!

    Besides, most of the readers here would have a coronary if I used language like our Fearless Leader uses. I merely tone it down for the faint of heart out there.

    The message is still the same.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   11/19/2006  at  04:32 PM  

  3. Did we actually believe that these idiots would tone down their rhetoric after the elections?  They can’t.  If they ever stop attacking, even the sycophantic public will see that they have no weapons.  It is astounding that the New York Times, the one instrument, arguably, responsible for any disarray which might exist in our military, should editorialize about rectifying those problems.  Have they any idea what they are talking about?  Considering their history though, that would not be considered a disqualification on their part. 

    I am not in any way a great judge of all things military, and as in all large complex organizations, there are problems to be addressed, but the NYT is not the organization qualified for that job.  Let’s see them turn a profit first. Then maybe we’ll let them play with the adults.

    My biggest argument with them is with their comment about rebuilding the Marine Corps.  The Marine corps is an organization so far beyond the understanding of the editorial staff of The Times as to be something from Andromeda.  The Marine Corps derives its effectiveness from the closeness of its individual warriors based on intense training and GENERATIONS of shared experience.  As a Marine veteran of Viet Nam, I recognize this generation of marines and salute them.  They are BETTER Marines than we were.  Better armed, better trained, and better motivated than we were.  The only way to improve them is for the NYT to demand they be given what they need and get out of the way.  If they cared about America, if they cared about freedom, if they cared about the future, this is what they would do.  Do you think there’s any chance of it?

    OK, I’ve vented.  We’ve all vented.  Now what do we do about it.  Pointing out who they are has not stopped those hell-bent on destroying America, nor will it do so in the future.  To stop them peacefully, we need to do two things.  1.  Regain control of the language.  Do not allow our enemies to frame the debate.  Every time they use words in a manner contrary to their meaning, give them a dictionary.  Every time they try to end the debate by calling names, stay on point.  Use Ronald Reagan’s quote “Now there they go again.” We tried being civil, it didn’t work.  If they try interrupting a speech with violence, insist on prosecution and sentencing.  2.  Regain control of our education system.  Insist on standards for both students and teachers.  Getting the individual teachers involved may not be as hard as you think.  They got into teaching for a reason.  Remind them of what that reason was.

    This plan is not an easy one nor will it be accomplished overnight, but this is a fight we must win.  We must win it for freedom, we must win it for the future, we must win it for America.  The world depends on us.

    Posted by atillainohio    United States   11/19/2006  at  08:41 PM  

  4. The US military is good at what it does; destroying things and killing the enemy. While the force is being stretched to the limit, it can still go into any country and accomplish the goal of overwhelming its enemy at the drop of a dime.

    The US military is a fighting force not a nation building force. When used, it should only be used to defeat the enemy and leave. If a new enemy moves in, we go back at the hour of our choosing to defeat the new enemy and repeat as necessary.

    In Iraq, we should have set up perimeters around the oil fields and secured the distribution infrastructure and started pumping the shit out of the place until the Iraqi people came to their own conclusion that it was time to behave like civilized human beings.

    This nation building crap is so PC its killing us, literally!

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   11/20/2006  at  06:29 AM  

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