Mexican Madness In Milwaukee


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/24/2006 at 12:09 PM   
  1. How about a “Day Without the United States”?  How about a movie showing how Mexico would function?

    Where would Mexico export it’s poverty?  What would they do without the safety valve to El Norte?  How long would it be until there was enough dis-satisfaction within their own borders to bring about a new Mexican Revolution?  Where would the Mexican elites educate their children and invest their money?

    Sounds like a winner to me!!

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   03/24/2006  at  02:19 PM  

  2. The Hildabeast - only if the Good Samaritan or Jesus were in the US illegally! Keep to the real point of the legislation - which is ANOTHER law making being an illegal immigrant - -DUH—illegal.

    Geeze I think all these people in the House and the Senate need to be kicked out because they have forgotten what they are there for. It is legislate to make the US function, prosper, secure and survive. Not to make a gazillion laws all saying something different about the same thing so that not a damn thing other than increasing taxes gets done.

    If the Latinos, immigrants and/or illegals (and the business and politicos who cater to them) don’t like what the US is saying - leave. Go where the grass is greener, the people are all holding hands and singing kumbaya, and there are no meat eating, gun toting, gas using, enviro harming, hard working, religious Americans.

    Then we can get America back to being America, instead of watching it slide into socialist eurotrash ransacked by illegals.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/24/2006  at  02:39 PM  

  3. Is this like a contest or something?  “A Day Without Mexicans...” the day employers are forced to pay a better minimum wage. the day 12 millions criminals aren’t taking up space and services meant for citizens. the day employment opportunities open up for American workers and the chronically unemployed. the day we stop hearing the only Mexicans “do the jobs Americans won’t”. the day the Mexicans are stopped being exploited by pressure groups, the media and politicians. the day we should plan for some regime change down Mexico way.


    Posted by rudebadger    United States   03/24/2006  at  03:24 PM  

  4. Wardmama - There may be a silver lining to the legislation cloud; being here illegally or employing illegals goes from misdemeanor to felony, and local law enforcement agencies can stop and detain for immigration violations.  This will make a huge difference IMHO, and if it weren’t going to make a diffence, I don’t think the Democraps would have their panties in such a knot over losing votes and the illegals wouldn’t be in the street over losing the medical/school freebies and job opportunities.

    We can hope that it doesn’t get watered down into just the loaded-with-loopholes piece of feel-good-do-nothing bill that you complained of.

    Posted by dick    United States   03/24/2006  at  04:31 PM  

  5. Golly!!!  Imagine a day where the immigration laws are actually enforced!!

    I still say that within 90 days of our borders being sealed, there would be a revolution in Mexico.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   03/24/2006  at  04:53 PM  

  6. You’re pretty close to the truth. 

    We do serve as a safety valve that allows the Mexican Government and it’s chosen supporters to remain in power.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   03/24/2006  at  05:15 PM  

  7. Everybody needs to read Michelle Malkin on Mexico and the MeCHA menace. This invasion is as insidious and as directed at destroying this country as anything planned by Binny Laidmen and the Jet(crasher)s. We have to stop this!!!

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   03/24/2006  at  05:27 PM  

  8. OCM, Columba Bush had nothing to do with it. The influx of Mexicans has been going on for ten years or more. What’s Clinton’s excuse? Maybe Dubya is trying to figure out what to do with the 11 million illegal Mexicans he inherited from Clinton? Don’t be so quick to jump on Dubya with a totally unrelated argument.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/25/2006  at  09:17 AM  

  9. It started snowballing in 1992. In 1992 there were estimated to be 1.8 million illegal Mexicans in the US. Within four years that had quadrupled. Go check the INS and Census Bureau pages. Clinton opened the doors wide after NAFTA was passed.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   03/25/2006  at  11:10 AM  

  10. Nope sorry this is his highness the high priest of ‘never met a dictator I didn’t like’ former President Jimmy Carter. Me thinks that the way he became such a prestigious peanut farmer was on the backs of illegals and he rewarded them by opening our borders wide, by not enforcing any of the immigration laws on the books. It kicked the numbers up from thousands into the millions.

    But yes, there have been enough administrations - mostly Repub - since then that should have clamped back down and DID NOT. It is a shame, I guess it took the problem going from spreading past CA, AZ, NM, & TX to make it a ‘national’ issue.

    I can remember ads run (at election time) by business down in TX (mid 80s) bemoaning the fate of ‘their’ future if immigration laws were enforced. I thought it was crap back then and that they deserved to be fined and run out of town. Now 20+ years later - proof is in the gazillions these leeches are sucking from the systems. Wonder why the legal citizens who are part of the ‘entitlement’ society are not screaming for them to be shipped home yesterday - so that their benefits (which our economy might then actually be able to afford)were protected????

    It shows me just how stupid everyone is - rather than think rationally - they still want ‘their cake and to eat it too’ Doesn’t work ever, just reality.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/25/2006  at  11:40 AM  

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