message for mr. heffer of the mail. mind your own damn business, not ours.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/03/2013 at 01:26 PM   
  1. Of course the world doesn’t like us.  That’s why so many of the worlds citizens risk everything and bust their asses to get here, just to have a chance. That doesn’t include Mexicans who waltz in uninvited and shit on everything.  If Mr. Heffer feels bad for the inmates of Gitmo maybe he’d be willing to sponsor them and they could come live with him until they find something meaningful to blow up?  Take your cause and Shove it Heffer.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/03/2013  at  02:51 PM  

  2. Manning did not get a harsh sentence, he hasn’t been sentenced yet.  Especially since it requires adding up the maximum sentences of all 20 counts on which he was convicted to reach the 136 years cited, even with a military court, he just isn’t likely to serve much time.  I’ll guess that he’ll wind up serving no more than 10 or 20 years at the outside and probably less than that.

    Considering the enormity of what he did, that’s not a lot of time in prison.  I’m amazed that the judge didn’t find him guilty of aid the enemy.  When Manning dumped hundreds of thousands of classified documents on the internet, could any even partially sane person not realize that Al Qaeda and everyone else who is our enemy wouldn’t get the information?

    I still think Manning should have been sentenced to life in front of a firing squad.  I’ll even volunteer to be one of the shooters and I’ll even bring my own ammo. 

    Now let’s talk about another traitor, Mr. Snowden who is now enjoying the high life in Moscow.  Our President is so feckless that his total response is that he’s disappointed.  I can’t imagine even Bill Clinton being such a spineless weenie. Just imagine the response from either Bush or Reagan.

    No one in the world has any respect for Obama, for good reason.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   08/03/2013  at  03:28 PM  

  3. The Irish are fawning over the little 4-eyed pale mouse (or rat). Of course, it’s the usual he’s a hero for bring to light the nasty American plans and their “blood-lust” for destroying innocent people. Yada, yada, yada.

    Too bad Manning doesn’t get the death sentence.

    It’s time the 2nd and 3rd generation Irish Americans became aware of how much the infantile, Liberal Irish dislike ALL Americans and stop their “pilgrimages” back to the land of the ancestors. The Irish want only ONE thing from America......MOOLA and they’re “cute” enough to talk the naive American tourists out of their last dime.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   08/04/2013  at  02:39 AM  

  4. The Manning case and the Zimmerman case are similar - people are too damn busy discussing their own take on it - without realizing the basic truth of the entire case - Manning was in the US Army and broke the UCMJ - what he is did is somewhat relevant it seems only to those pundits - as the most important issue. How much he ‘gets’ for it - might be more than we out here expect or less - it depends upon all of the testimony and evidence - and how it affects the Judge - so much like the Zimmerman case. It wasn’t about race, it wasn’t about Stand Your Ground - it was simply about self-defense - and the jury heard the case, listened to the witnesses and viewed the evidence. And then came back with a verdict.

    The debate on what our opinion of what was done, what happened, and if it was a crime - doesn’t matter a whit. And that is where the media and editorial writers are failing big time - presenting a slanted and/or opinion - as fact.

    Interesting that once Manning was found guilty - Snowden found asylum. Also it speaks volumes that in just a mere 20ish years - instead of Russians seeking asylum in America - an American is seeking asylum in Russia.

    Much like in 1990 - the ‘winds’ of change in Europe were former commies looking to Freedom - now the ‘windbag’ of change (and his Obots) are attempting to make the Free-est Nation in the world into a Nation the Stasi and Nazis would envy.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/04/2013  at  09:42 AM  

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