Mental Illness


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/22/2005 at 10:26 AM   
  1. FZ said, “Socialism will never work, people want too much stuff.”

    Good eye Skipper. That Dean story is not getting enough press.  Our Europeon guests don’t even understand that Socialists usually hide their party affiliation here in the States and call themselves Democrats.

    Howard Dean used to be that state’s Governor.  What a backward hick state. cool smirk

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   05/22/2005  at  11:17 AM  

  2. JB Williams also said this about Social Security.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   05/22/2005  at  11:54 AM  

  3. The short answer as to why is because a segment of the population is greedy or stupid or lazy or some combination of these and seeks only pleasant ennui.

    “Liberalism is a mental disorder” says Michael Savage.  Yes, but without a large measure of stupidity stirred in, the “liberal” base would not be large enough to be effective. 

    Those who are modestly intelligent and have the disorder need to feel good about themselves by “helping” this segment of the population.

    They and the stupid are easy prey for those on the left who who use “liberalism” as a euphemism for their statist goal of controlling the inmates in the liberal socialist asylum, which inmates are content to let someone else think for them as long as they have MTV, AARP and Oprah. SSDD**

    **Same Shit Different Day

    I find myself angry about this stuff almost every day now.
    What time do we meet behind the barn to begin the revolution?

    Posted by dick    United States   05/22/2005  at  12:17 PM  

  4. Allan, I have been forced to hold my nose and associate with a number of such specimens over the years, and I found one common thread connecting them all.

    To all of them, the hack writings of their creed, beginning with the scrivenings of a few 19th-century sociopaths (primarily Marx), possess the status of Holy Writ.  Theirs is a particularly rabid secular religion.  Any opposition to them, in their view, is a sin against the light.  As they see it, no one can oppose them and also be reasonable or rational.  They assume a complete monopoly on enlightnment for themselves.

    This is more than merely a stupid conceit.  In some cases, in fact, I witnessed a belief that no one could oppose them and be human.

    Of course it is madness, but like all madness, it is a mark of “whom the gods would destroy.”

    And the sooner the better.  No tears will be shed in this precinct, believe me.

    cool smirk

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   05/22/2005  at  01:27 PM  

  5. Sorry about the typo in “enlightenment” above....

    A good day to one and all.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   05/22/2005  at  01:30 PM  

  6. I have been following Howard Dean for years with his quotes in the Des Moines Register. He practically lived in Iowa trying to grab the nomination from the far left Senator John Kerry (D-MA).  Trust me, Dean wants Socialism in healthcare and so does the Des Moines Register’s editorial board.

    Dean supports Socialist in Vermont for Senate is a better headline.

    Iowa didn’t buy that crap and turned red in the last election.  Being from Vermont is a mental illness.

    How about Dean says, “A vote for a Socialist is a vote for the Democrats.” That’s good too.

    Deaniacs, the losers who took control of the Democratic party.  cool smirk

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   05/22/2005  at  04:05 PM  

  7. Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot.  Sooner or later that foot will fall off and no prothesis will right the fools.

    In a little anecdote that deals with everything posted here from all of you, I will share a story that encompasses all that you’ve stated about liberals.  It’s a tiny story, but it is as apt a microcosm as any about the mindset of these idiots.

    I dated a world-famous artist who lived on the upper west side of Manhattan.  It was a long relationship and because we were apart so much, much of the relationship took place via email.  As the elections swung into full force, I started making comments about stuff and about how ‘empty’ Kerry was/is.  I’d get back responses that were kind of cool but nothing big or insulting.  I was also engaged in friendly debate with my brother-in-law about politics, and we kept it funny and light.  He’s a professor at a university in St. Louis, so you know he was stuck in his views, but still it was fun.  So, I just assumed my lover and I could talk the talk and have some fun, as well.  I’d never really known about his politics, but I was to find out very quickly.  In one email I talked about how much I admired Bush and was sure that he would win.  Whew!  Out of the blue came a scathing email about how stupid Bush was and how stupid the people in this country are who believe in the guy.  Then he brought up Bush flying onto the aircraft carrier and said it was a hoax.  I could almost hear a shrill keening coming from his email, and yet I still didn’t quite pick up that his ‘outrage’ could be so real.  I wrote back that I loved seeing Bush standing around signing stuff for the sailors and that the sight of it had made me cry because I love soldiers and everything about them.  He wrote back and said, “What you and half the idiots in the country don’t know is that that aircraft carrier was parked in dock for that show of bullshit.” ???  I was so stunned and like a hard slap in the face, I got a sense of just what you all have described above.... that ‘you can’t tell me anything’ business.  I wrote back that a jet fighter cannot land on a docked ship, that the ship has to aimed right into the wind and going a perfect speed for the landing to take place! 

    The relationship ended shortly after that, and I have no doubt it was because my lover found me ‘beneath’ him as our political views surfaced.  It was in his tone, and never in my life have I witnessed such a tone of superiority.  To make the tone anthropomorphic, I will just say it preened in self-righteousness.

    Posted by Phoenix    United States   05/22/2005  at  05:37 PM  

  8. I appreciate the insight you offered in your anecdote, Phoenix.

    I have known several facsimiles of this chap over the years, and I can offer this much about them.

    Whenever they would try to support their positions with some obviously ludicrous claim (such as that bit about the parked aircraft carrier), the surest way to send them ballistic was to ask, “How do you know?”

    That always brought on a firestorm of insults and invective, and the longer I stuck with my inquiry, the more hysterical these specimens became.

    And when I started laughing, they lost it completely.  It never failed.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   05/22/2005  at  06:09 PM  

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