Memorial Day…some history


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 05/31/2010 at 12:14 PM   
  1. I too spent 6 yrs in the Navy repairing electronics.  However, I consider myself a veteran for a simple reason; I went where I was told to go and did what I was told to do. COMBAT veterans follow the same code. Although their service certainly required (requires) nore guts and sacrifice than anything I did, that doesn’t mean that people like me that did not stand in harms way were unworthy of wearing the uniform or being called veterans.  What does chap me are the service whores that did nothing more dangerous that waxing a floor and 20 years after discharge they claim membership to a SEAL team or some other SpecFor group. 
    I could troubleshoot a R-390A with the best of them dammit! ;)

    Posted by Corsair    United States   06/01/2010  at  06:51 AM  

  2. Corsair - I usually don’t quote tv - most especially with regards to Veterans or anything Military - but the tv show Major Dad (Gerald McRaney) did a good job on that issue - during Operation Desert Storm. The young LT and Gunny were despondent that during combat they were stuck stateside processing Marine overseas deployment flights & equipment shipments. The McRaney character (MAJ MacGillis) stated - Your job is just one piece in the entire picture. These men & women would die without the additional forces and equipment we are sending - we are a necessary & vital part of the War Effort.

    It put it in a whole different perspective to me - each and every Veteran does a part to insure the Defense and Protection of America.

    To me - justifying oneself as to ‘degree’ of participation is a li(e)bral affection - they don’t produce, they don’t work, they don’t care - So they attempt to stiffle anyone with a different position/belief with the ‘you aren’t me and can’t comment on what I’ve been/done/felt position’. It demeans and dismisses and attempts to stop all discussion. And it attempts to elevate one (usually worthless) position/belief above another.

    You contributed more than anyone who did not serve - because you either accepted the draft notice and stepped up or volunteered. I could not sign on the line - as my medical history precludes any kind of military service - but I will support Our Troops as much as I can. We all (should) do whatever we can do.

    A gun will not be of much use without bullets - so our Armed Forces need those men & women who are here stateside insuring that all the things including more forces flow to them in the most efficient way possible.

    Isn’t it sad - I remember the poppies - but somehow cannot even remember when they faded off into history. It is the way of the li(e)brals - another great & simple American tradition tromped down under their feet.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/01/2010  at  07:42 AM  

  3. Corsair,

    Okay, I’m a veteran, just not a combat veteran. Can we agree on that? I’m not claiming honors I’ve never earned. Unlike a Democrat who recently was outed as never serving in Vietnam despite his many public utterances claiming such. He was a reservist. It’d be like me claiming to have liberated the students in Granada, when in fact I was with my ship undergoing COH at Bremerton, WA.


    Quartermaster is probably the most important job in the military.

    Last fall I read a bio of George Washington during the American Revolution. He was not a military genius. Competent, brave, but no Napoleon. His genius lay in his ability to keep the Continental Army supplied.

    That’s my personal assessment, not the author’s. The author was rather more savage, but the author never did any military service.

    Our first President is still one of the greatest men in history.


    When he could have been King, he declined.

    Can you imagine Obama declining?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/02/2010  at  02:37 PM  

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