Meanwhile ….


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 11/16/2006 at 01:02 PM   
  1. No kidding… Iran’s newspapers boldly claim they already destroyed 50% of Israel, i.e. Hizbollah attacks. Of course this is stretching the truth quite a bit.  We all know that as soon as Iran has a viable nuclear weapon and that weapon can be mounted on a missile, then Tel Aviv will be reduced to rubble.  Personally, I don’t think the Israeli’s nor the USA will let it get that far; or let’s hope not…

    We all know Israel’s got nukes and we all know how technologically advanced Israel is with their weapons systems.  i.e. Space technologies, medical technologies, firearms - Cornershot, etc.

    The USA also has several carrier battle groups in the area just waiting for Iran to screw up and attack them.  I just hope we fight wars the way they were meant to be fought.  Spare no quarter take out the enemy and count collateral damage afterwards.  None of this fair fight and spare the civilians crap.  Remember the firebombing of Dresden.  We should have completely leveled Falluja and killed Al Sadr when we had the chance.

    Brutality is the only thing this enemy understands and respects.  Iran in it’s war with Iraq used children to clear mine fields!  They eventually learned to wrap the children in bedsheets so they could easily pickup their bodies for rapid Islamic burial when they stepped on a mine.  Yeah, picture hundreds of children, trained for martyrdom, walking to their doom with smiles on their faces! Now imagine it happening every day!  The West is a laughing stock to these monsters…

    Posted by MJS    United States   11/16/2006  at  06:50 PM  

  2. Yes, that is why there are no 7-11s in Iraq or Iran. I for one would love to see the USS Ronald Reagan deployed against Iran. Poetic Justice if you ask me.

    Posted by Macker    United States   11/17/2006  at  07:06 AM  

  3. Speaking of Israeli technology, this was on Drudge today:

    A nano-technological flying robot the size of a hornet that can pursue the enemy and kill them!  Prototypes expected in just three years.  Now that is freaking awesome!  If they pull this off and can produce thousands of these hornets, the proverbial “fly on the wall” will be come reality.  Imagine having irrefutable proof via video footage of a terrorist and then have this miniature drone sting the enemy terrorist killing him in seconds.  They could use a Castor bean based poison as it’s very fast acting and you only need a very small amount; there is no antidote.  They could attach a small plastic explosive as well that could blow up artillery guns, mortar tubes, the enemy’s skull or RPG’s.  Multiple hornets could detonate terrorist explosive stockpiles.  They could travel down tunnels, perform surveillance, hitch a ride on a terrorists head dress and eavesdrop on secret meetings, etc.

    Of course, the potential for evil is just as scary… i.e. “in the wrong hands...” Keep this tech away from the British, they have too much surveillance as it is…

    Posted by MJS    United States   11/17/2006  at  09:57 AM  

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