LyndonB here at bmews sparked this post with a comment he made


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/28/2011 at 12:43 PM   
  1. Because it is done on purpose - there are people who truly feel that the only people on earth who have enriched themselves (forever) on the back of the (colored) world are white people and they should be punished - the sad thing is that many of these idiots - are white (i.e. white guilt).

    What they do not take into account is reality. Afrika (et al - fill in the blank with whtatever 3rd world cesspool) - has been free for decades - and it is still a cesspool of 3rd world hatred, violence, petty thugs and poverty. As many of the ‘socially’ conscious took part in foreign education - why aren’t their countries now beacons of Freedom & Education?

    Because of the mentality to ‘get whitey,’ to blame anyone but themselves for their problems and their desire to always act out their anger and hatred on someone else (a distorted (per)version of if you can’t kill the one you hate, kill the one you’re with).

    It is the same here in the ghettos and reservations - too busy hating, being angry and blaming others to even bother doing a damn thing to make their own lives better, not to mention helping their children to have a greater and better future.

    And the EU/Brits are just killing themselves, their financial stability and future by playing into this bs. America under The Won isn’t that far behind.

    Everyone’s been conquered and everyone’s conquered - it is realty and none is exempt from the horrors of the past/present. It tends to be because humans continue to embrace power & hatred more than they ever will embrace love and faith - and then the power mad idiots use the guilt and hatred to punish everyone for the sins of the few, instead of a single bullet or rope to rid the world forever of the dangerous slime - and of course to impose a false guilt when someone has the backbone to actually take out one of these subhuman waste of natural resources.

    Isn’t civilization great?

    And so it goes.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/28/2011  at  02:17 PM  

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