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Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/11/2014 at 08:52 AM   
  1. So its Official; Since Obama has been in charge the entire middle east has erupted in flames and all he does is play golf and blame everyone ELSE for the mess. Classy Guy
    dickhead  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/11/2014  at  09:39 PM  

  2. Drew I would take issue over Iran which has claim to status as a nation since the overwhelming majority of them are shi-te muslims. They don’t have the internecine strife you see in Iraq et al. They are more of a nation in that respect and consider themselves Persian. Though just as with any county where the majority of the population follow a death cult they are highly suspect.

    The rest of them. Syria, Iraq, Jordan etc. were just carved up by the British and French out of the ashes of the Ottoman empire at the end of WW1. Now as you rightly say the ancient hatreds are coming back to the surface. What baffles me is why we or I should say our “leaders” think siding with these savages is a good idea. Let them get on with it and sell weapons to both sides. Though I tend to favour Macker’s solution of nuking them from orbit. Just to be sure.

    The scary thing is if these savages take control in Iraq and push the oil price through the roof we will be pushed into a depression. The global economy is barely getting by as it is.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   06/12/2014  at  02:46 AM  

  3. Lyndon is right, Persia has been a nation since before forever. That chunk of land has natural borders and a fairly indigenous population that is neither Arab nor Indian. Heck, they even had their own religion (Zoroastrianism) for umpteen ages. Perhaps that’s why they aren’t properly part of the Middle East or even Asia Minor. Unfortunately the crazies are in charge there now.

    And if/when the extra-psycho raggies do take over in Iraq, yes the oil price will spike. Good thing Obama nixed the XL pipeline and pushed his EPA dogs to stifle the coal industry.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/12/2014  at  08:49 AM  

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