Life on Easy Street with the compliments of the Brit Taxpayer who grow money on trees in gardens.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/30/2008 at 12:44 PM   
  1. When I was a kid at school (quite a while back!) there were a couple of lads in our class who had out of work parents. Unemployment was more a stigma back then rather than a lifestyle choice it is in Britain today. We had to wear a school uniform consisting of a blazer. Both these kids wore blazers that had served two previous elder brothers and were consequently somewhat tatty but we didn’t pick on them because of that. We accepted them for who they were.

    The idiots we pay to breed now are becoming a luxury we can ill afford. There are plenty of charity shops where these people can get second hand clothes. They can affford mobile phones and cigarettes on our dime.

    BTW what kind of parent calls a child Chardonnay? Can’t work because he is depressed? FFS doesn’t seem to inhibit the bastards sex drive though. Bring back the workhouse.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   12/30/2008  at  01:27 PM  

  2. Yeah Lyndon. I wondered about that name as well.  It seems to be a career move these days.
    What? Me Worry (from old Mad Magazine) has turned into What? Me Work?

    There’s a story in one of the papers today that claims people are getting more in benefits then actual pay for jobs.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/30/2008  at  01:54 PM  

  3. Pretty soon, that house is going to get even more as the teens start popping out babies like there’s no tomorrow.

    Posted by Macker    United States   12/31/2008  at  09:42 AM  

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