Let’s Make A Deal


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/14/2007 at 01:04 AM   
  1. Religion of Peace, my a**. I agree with the it’s kick ass time - finish this once and for all. My other idea is this: half of the coalition forces go up to the Kurdish land in the north and face south, the other half go to Basara and that line across Iraq and face north and then tell the Sunni and Shia in the middle to fight it out. Any Sunni survivors are shipped east to Syria and any Shia survivors are shipped west to Iran. Let the Kurds finally have a country of their own.

    Yeah, I know no one will go for this solution but it does keep our soldiers out of the frey. Besides all these highly ‘religious’ people are such two faced hypocrites claiming their ‘religious’ heritage while loving the secular lifestyle ole Saddam enacted. What a crock. If your ‘religious’ heritage wasn’t a big deal for 35 years - funny how in the past 3 it has suddenly become your ‘identity’.

    These are nothing but thugs, preditors and violent subhumans hiding behind a ‘religon’. Until either the real islamic religious people stand up and say stop killing using our religion as your shield or those who don’t want to submit to convert or die wipe enough out to put an end to this ‘uprising’ - this is going to go on and on - no matter how many times the Dems declare us friends (and cowards) and that there is no such thing as a Global War on Terrorism. . .

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/14/2007  at  06:57 AM  

  2. Works for me.

    Meanwhile, nuke Damascus, Mecca, and Medina.  One city for each American soldier.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   05/14/2007  at  07:14 AM  

  3. Wouldn’t it be nice if our guys got the same treatment that we give their guys at Guantanamo?

    Too bad the Religion Of Peace (My Ass) is incapable of such kindness.

    Posted by Glibertarian    United States   05/14/2007  at  07:29 AM  

  4. You can’t fight a war using the Marquis of Queens bury rules. It isn’t a game and if you are not prepared to do what is necessary then you probably shouldn’t be there. Unfortunately ever since WW2 we seem to have forgotten that. Well “we” haven’t, but the liberals certainly have. The enemy senses our weakness and exploits this. It strikes me that sixty years of peace has sapped peoples sense of survival. We think we can reason with these lunatics. The only reason they understand is superior fire-power. So we should get out and reason with them Texas style!

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/14/2007  at  07:47 AM  

  5. I am in complete agreement with all the thoughts here, save the last.  Given the nature of the anti American propaganda that’s been around, I’m not sure that some (too many) of our citizens would have any regard for the welfare of our soldiers.

    As far as the rest, we should have pulled the stops out long ago and let our military do what they know how to do, beginning with Moqtada al Sadr and ending in Tehran and Damascus.  It’s one thing to tolerate someone who doesn’t like you, it’s quite different when they are planning and aiding the killing of U.S. Soldiers and Iraqi civilians.

    All in favor of Pax Americana, please raise your hands.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/14/2007  at  02:49 PM  

  6. Uh Anounymous - the Haditha Marines trial is falling apart badly. Because they followed ROE and did nothing wrong - so now the media is not following it daily because it is not turning out as they planned. I doubt other than one or two people paying for ‘investigation obstruction’ you aren’t going to see any life in prison for ‘killing in cold blood innocent civilians’. Too bad that Rep Murtha (TRAITOR) won’t bother to apologise for that statement. But of course it produced exactly what he wanted it to - turn even more of America against the War/Troops. Does not matter a whit to him if it was true or not. . .most of these current politicians turn my stomach and sadly they are going to get us all killed if they keep it up.

    BTW - these morons are morons - the soldiers who ‘raped and killed’ (I still have personal qualms as to that whole situation) are 1) currently under trial at Ft Campbell (my nephew is one of the JAG lawyers - we all try not to hold it against him) and 2) are not from the unit that was attacked (therefore is this racist/bigotted - all Americans look alike?!?) and 3) this is that same crap reason they spewed last year when they killed SPC David Babineau and captured and tortured PFC Thomas Tucker and PFC Kristian Menchaca - so how long, often does this ‘revenge’ thing go on?

    As I said earlier Religion of Peace my a** - Kill ‘Em All and Let God Sort ‘Em Out - it will be the fastest way to end OIF. Maybe if we do ramp it back up - those ‘moderate’ muslims just might start speaking up before we wipe them out too. [I know I’m dreaming, but it is a nice fantasy]

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/14/2007  at  04:22 PM  

  7. I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. We just need to convince those assclowns that they picked the wrong people to screw with. But first we need to purge the treasonous fifth column. We need to purge the treasonous members of the congress. We need to wake everybody up, before the enemy does it for us. THAT ain’t gonna happen, so be prepared for the price we’ll have to pay. THAT’S going to happen.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/14/2007  at  05:26 PM  

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