Let No Crisis Go To Waste, Part 71,230


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/23/2010 at 02:13 PM   
  1. Yep like more regulation by a bigger government agency wasn’t the cause of the problem in the first place.

    Posted by emdfl    United States   08/23/2010  at  06:08 PM  

  2. Having worked on both a mom & pop free range (so to speak, the girls weren’t caged but in a building) and the people who took over - who took it toward ‘factory farming’ in nanoseconds (have since moved it into a bigger and even more factory farming farm) - I can tell you the issue.

    In the original farm - I may have had to learn to wrestle with the ladies for their eggs (that was after playing hide and seek to find exactly where they laid them) but I never and I emphasize never saw a dead lady. The new setup was 7 ladies to a cage- where the food was dispensed and the eggs rolled down the downward slant of the caging to be just picked up as we walked along the rows. I saw at least 2 dead ladies a day, in the new system (just imagine the stress of not being able to move combined with living on a slant and also having to fight 6 others for food) - so the eggs rolled through dead chicken and poo mess.

    In the original farm - we candled - by (get this) actual candles and sorted by hand. In the second, the eggs were put onto a conveyor belt and went through a wash (got to get that dead chicken and poo mess off), an electric candling and a mechanical sorter. The implication being the less human hands that touch them, the better.

    But is it - apparently not.

    I hear a bath at 140^ (which in cooking terms is quite low) for about 5 min (depends on weight of egg) will do the trick. They are now describing how to do it at home (thank God that the Goracle invented the InterNet - who knew a foaming at the mouth moronic sex poodle could actually do something right?!?)

    Of course sanitation of all involved should also be a given.

    Newer & High Tech - does not always mean better.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/24/2010  at  07:50 AM  

  3. Yup - gotta ratchet up the control level everywhere.  This year less than 1% of all the eggs produced in the U.S. will be subject to recall.  That isn’t to say that all of them are unhealthy, just that they might be and are or will be recalled for the safety of the public. 

    I always thought that a 99% success rate was pretty good.

    There’s already a legion of attorneys filing lawsuits on behalf of people sickened by the salmonella infected eggs.  Anyone think that might give the egg farmers an incentive to only ship clean eggs?  Not everyone does.  While I was scanning an article, this paragraph caught my eye.

    John Boyd Jr., the founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, said that a lack of regulation by the federal goverment allowed this public health scourge to happen.

    1) Why does Mr. Boyd believe the members of his association need closer regulation?  Doesn’t his membership know how to conduct their business without having a federal bureaucrat monitor and instruct them?  Of course if he’s not speaking for his association, who is he speaking for?

    2) What makes the concerns of “black” farmers any different than any other kind of farmer?  Are there associations of white farmers?  Christian farmers?  Jewish farmers?  Hispanic farmers?  Moslem farmers?  Asian farmers?  Are they concerned with things such as the Moslem and Jewish dietary laws or do they need Federal help conducting their basic business?

    Here’s a link to the full article.

    California traces salmonella infections back to early May prom.

    The Irish side of my family are farmers.  One of my Uncles was a chicken rancher.  How are their concerns different than the concerns of any other farmer?

    I’m sick of racism.  Mr. Boyd, if you want to return to living on a plantation I won’t stop you, but please, leave me out of it.  Leave me and every other American of any color or religion out of your idea of a government regulated utopia.

    Of course I could be wrong.  Mr. Boyd might not believe his associates are inferior, he might merely be doing a favor for Big Daddy O in Washington D.C.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   08/25/2010  at  02:17 PM  

  4. How many of these obviously racist christian chickens will be indicted and sent to jail?

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/25/2010  at  08:25 PM  

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