left wing eye candy …. caution. long term view might cause tummy upset.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/23/2013 at 05:54 AM   
  1. She is obviously a Democrat - too stupid to think that being that preggos and wanting to ‘participate’ in anything Governmental - most especially Obama - since I read he is late to a lot of things - would be a good thing. Isn’t that a form of child abuse?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/23/2013  at  08:19 AM  

  2. Pregnant and diabetic, but it was far more important to get her to participate in the photo-op for the new healthcare system than it was to actually get her any healthcare. Stand around for ages waiting for Teh Won, no bathroom break, nothing to drink or eat, no way to get off her feet. You can see her eyes glazing over as she starts to sugar crash ... and down she goes.

    Which kind of makes a rather hysterical mockery of the whole thing, doesn’t it?

    And actually, in a different situation, I don’t think this young woman would be that bad looking at all. I could see the designer-boys getting her to work a Sandra Bullock kind of thing.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/23/2013  at  09:25 AM  

  3. Anyone dumb enough to show up at any public event looking as she does is a pure goofball, and I’d expect no less from Dem.libtards. She reminds me of a very liberal relative I haven’t spoken to in 20 yrs and could not stomach. gak. Not the hair but the general look. Altho the hair thing is bad enough. What sort of brain (lib of course) would wear hair that way and think it looks good?

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/23/2013  at  11:14 AM  

  4. granted, her hair looks like a grease hurricane came through from the west.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/23/2013  at  05:17 PM  

  5. Better question : Who would get close enough to her for procreation? As we say down home, I wouldn’t do her with yours. puke

    Posted by Col. Bat Guano    United States   10/23/2013  at  08:23 PM  

  6. Obviously reeling from the stench of lies being told.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   10/26/2013  at  12:00 AM  

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