Knox’ Knocks, che è lì?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/31/2014 at 12:33 PM   
  1. Fuck you Italy she didn’t do it.  If we had a real president he’d extradite a tomahawk up your pimply asses.  Back off and shut up.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   01/31/2014  at  06:46 PM  

  2. Grayjohn, that goes without saying. Bin Laden was right with that “strong horse, weak horse” statement of his. The Paisans would never have dared this if Boosh were still in charge.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/01/2014  at  03:12 AM  

  3. Lots and lots of wall to wall coverage on this and general consensus is guilty. There is even a suggestion that the Brits may offer to represent Italy but I’m lost in understanding what that means or what the Brits think they can do.  ????

    There are a lot of things that point a finger at her. Foe example, she accused a bar tender of the crime but it turned out he was not guilty of anything. So, did she lie about him?  Of course, being American counts against her. Right? Yeah.

    There are some ppl the USA wants extradited to America. If US refuses, other countries may well use it as pay back and not go along sending theirs for trial in the USA.

    That’s some of what I’ve been reading and that’s only today.

    She’s been described here as a good actress.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/01/2014  at  11:28 AM  

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