Killing The Rabbit


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 03/14/2005 at 06:34 AM   
  1. When I was a nice little Jewish girl-not to be confused with the evil-ex-Jew that I am now(I converted to Christianity for those who don’t know)-Santa and the E.B. visited EVERY year-and the E.B. usually was very generous on the goodies.
    My parents said that we celebrated"Santa" and the “Easter Bunny"-not Christmas or Easter.
    Besides after a long Chicago winter my mother though that anything celebrating spring couldn’t be that bad LOL

    I sang Christmas songs at school and was even part of a CATHOLIC childrens choir at one point.

    I asked my mother one if-in light of my “apostacy” she wished she had done htings differently.

    She responded that no, she didn’t, because it wouldn’t have made a difference.
    She understood that my conversion had nothing to do with bunnies or santa’s.

    My point:
    If your’re offended by the Easter Bunny or Santa or “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Easter"-then maybe you should re-examine your OWN beliefs.: because if you were secure in them it wouldn’t bother you.

    If you’re going to lose faith because of a BUNNY-you’re going to lose it no matter what.
    *Gets off soapbox*

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   03/14/2005  at  07:14 AM  

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