Juan, You Ignorant Slut


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/24/2015 at 01:55 AM   
  1. Maybe someone on the panel should have pointed out that all those Slaves who got here were mostly provided by MUSLIM Slave Traders. And even to this day it is not illegal in most Muslim nations to hold slaves as long as you call them Servants,Wink Wink.
    tongue wink tongue wink tongue wink tongue wink

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/24/2015  at  05:01 PM  

  2. Via their dark brothers in the mother land, waging war on each other to take slaves to sell, because it beat having a regular job.

    And then the vilest things to say of all ... that only a small percentage of the slaves captured got sent here; most went to points south where things were much worse ... and honestly, perhaps even as slaves blacks never had it so good as they do here. Even back in Africa, in all those fabled kingdoms, life was brutal, violent, and short.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/24/2015  at  05:06 PM  

  3. All that Melanin sure makes them folks subject to violent acts and evil behavior Huh.
    No wonder it took the northern races to make the world a civilized place.

    wink wink wink wink wink two_thumbs_up

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/25/2015  at  01:39 AM  

  4. Rich .... if it’s still available, get a book called “The South Was Right” written by father /son team.  Not an excuse for slavery and not what the title may imply. But quite interesting read.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/25/2015  at  05:46 AM  

  5. What they also fail to realize - is that non-free persons - weren’t all BLACK. My Maternal Grandfather sold himself into bondage to leave England as an orphan teen after graduating from high school and, essentially, being kicked out of his Uncle’s home.

    Via - Who Do You Think You Are (TLC tv genealogy show) one of Valerie Bertinelli’s English ancestors was sold into bondage (10 years old) by his father as a way to escape the (possible) Dickens-ish orphanages. And she found out that the guy who ‘received’ him in the US - lied about his age on the Census - to keep him in service for a longer period of time.

    And Williams and all the race hustlers seem to ignore that the Pilgrims in MA - when the first slave ship landed in not yet America- set the slaves free and imprisoned the ship Captain and Crew.

    Or that the first law to outlaw slavery was attempted in 1652 in Rhode Island. By 1804 all Northern States had outlawed slavery.

    Or the abolitionists, starting in 1777 worked for decades to end the practice/protect former slaves and free blacks.

    Or that Congress banned the importation of slaves to America in 1809.

    Or that America went to war and gave up 600,000 of their fathers, husbands and sons to end the practice forever in America.

    Or that Africa and muslims are the perpetrators of slavery today. Not a couple of hundred yeas ago.

    But most importantly that Williams et al - were never slaves or that I never owned a slave.

    Get over it. Grow Up and really, really progress onto the real and dangerous problems of today.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/25/2015  at  10:45 AM  

  6. Wardmom, I really must correct one thing you said re 600,000 fighting to end slavery. Not even close to the fact. Sorry. No way on god’s green earth the North could convince that many to fight, die and be maimed for the black man, who Lincoln himself said in a public speech, that the blabk could never be equal to a white man. The war was fought at least by the North, to hold on to the union and for no other reason. Lincoln also offered the South the opportunity to keep slaves in area where already existed provided they rejoin the union. As for the brave boys in the South, please dear heart keep this in mind. The average Southern boy couldn’t even read and write. Or darn few did. There had been for generations a certain friction between the slave holding money classes and the rural poor and the poor knew their place. Very much a sort of model on the European aristocracy. The rich plantation owners had no faith at the start of the war, in their own army. They did not trust them to fight. However, those kids fought not so the rich could keep slaves but to be independant of the North. And btw ... no way you were gonna find those poor farm kids fighting and dying just so a very small group of aristos could keep their slaves. Meanwhile, even the North had problems filling the ranks. Northern men of military age were able to pay other to fight in their place, and Lincoln practically emptied the jails of Europe with offers of land and monies to come and fight for the north.
    Which they did.  For many young men and boys of that period, at the begining at least and on both sides, the war presented a chance for adventure and chivilry in the 19th century understanding of that term. But not for slavery. It was not until (sadly) that it became apparent the South was lost, that Lincoln gave his famous speech, more poetry than fact.

    Apologies ahead of time for any typos. I am using a tablet in the middle of the night and trying to make correction on this damn thing is a nightmare and next to imposible.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/25/2015  at  07:35 PM  

  7. Well the Union dead (total, war and disease and imprisonment) is listed at 646,392.

    I should be more precise when I am berating someone for ignoring facts in his bitching. Because it is obvious - a debate or discussion is not what Williams et al wants.

    The Civil War was not about slavery per se - it was about States Rights and of course how the new territories were going to be allowed to declare themselves as slave or free.

    In that - I have to lean more toward the South - even though I don’t believe in having slaves of any kind. At. All. Ever.

    The problem is that most blacks have just changed one plantation for another and one massa for another. And their freed slave ancestors have to be rolling in their graves for the abomination that blacks since the ‘civil rights movement’ are making of education of themselves/children, being free and self determining, work ethic and of course family.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/26/2015  at  12:35 PM  

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