Janet Reno Needs A Swift Kick In The Ass


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 11/21/2006 at 01:10 PM   
  1. As far as I’m concerned, she should be in a cell in Gitmo, or worse… Female (???) version of Saddam Hussein.  But then, she did it “for the children,,,”
    Someone I know says maybe her Parkinson’s is “divine retribution” for Waco.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   11/21/2006  at  01:42 PM  

  2. I’ve long subscribed to the theory that Waco and Randy Weaver were experiments to see how the U.S. public would react to gross violations on the part of the government when fringe group Americans were involved.  It seems to me that a demoralized people (helpless to fight terrorists) would be much more pliable than people who can stand on their own and know that their government can and will honestly protect them.  Butch Reno is just following her script to cut our rights and prepare us for a much more intrusive federal government.  Funny how this happens just after the Democrats think they’re returning to power.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/21/2006  at  01:44 PM  

  3. Yep, Dr. Jeff. You’d think the Donks would take their victory and ease off - but NO! They have to continue to try to grab absolute power and strip all protection from us. Sorry bastards!

    cool grin

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   11/21/2006  at  02:23 PM  

  4. Still trying to treat terrorism like a crime. Loser. Jammit Reamo is wrong as usual.

    Terrorists are spies and insurrectionists at best. Enemy agents acting over here out of uniform. (It doesn’t matter that they never had a uniform to begin with) No Geneva protections, no citizen’s rights, no access to OUR judicial system. Execution by firing squad, or hang them and let their bodies twist in the wind.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/21/2006  at  03:58 PM  

  5. I believe it was the Clinton administrations policy of treating these people as ‘a legal problem’ that lead us to 911 and the current war. Of course none of them (dems) would ever admit that it was their appeasement, do-nothing policies were a significant cause to the current terrorist problem.

    Just like none of the dems would ever admit to the fact that their creation of the welfare state is what has resulted in the highest portion of Americans living in poverty is children. Nope, not those compassionate, tolerant dems who just want to help everybody have everything. At the expense of everyone not them.

    Yepper, a AG who only used the troops to rout a little boy away from family to return him to the communist paradise his mother died fleeing from - great judge of how terrorists should be treated.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/21/2006  at  05:30 PM  

  6. Gotta throw in a few more words - after considering Ms. Reno’s actions with the Branch Davidians, Elian Gonzalez and Randy Weaver, methinks Ms. Reno wants to defend terrorists because she feels a kinship with them.

    Oh yeah, anybody remember the election result when she ran for office a few years ago?  clap

    The people of Florida know who and what she is, maybe that’s why she has to work for terrorists.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   11/21/2006  at  09:02 PM  

  7. Memo to Jackboot Janet:

    EAT shit AND MOVE ON, PLEASE.... Do us all a favor and just GO AWAY excaim

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   11/22/2006  at  09:15 AM  

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