jail break jamboree


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/21/2014 at 12:03 PM   
  1. This is why I support the death penalty in the US - perhaps only 10% of them actually get to execution - but that is 10% less murderers with the ability of some leftist do-gooder finding a way to let them go free.

    If these liberal/leftists/progressives (whatever the moniker of the week is) really care about the po’/minorities/underprivileged - Why do they let these scum out at all, ever? It is the po’/ et al, vulnerable and innocent that these subhuman predators prey on. Certainly they rarely go into the elitist enclaves - as they know that they are gated and protected by arm guards.

    Just another liberal lie - and we innocents continue to pay for it - again and again.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/22/2014  at  10:25 AM  

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