It’s Over, Over There


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/06/2011 at 09:37 AM   
  1. Tower Hamlets the dregs. I suppose you could think Harlem in it’s worst days. I say that only because I read or heard that it (Harlem) has been cleaned up and somewhat up-scaled. I wouldn’t know if that is true or not. Anyway, we would not want to even drive thru Tower, I understand. I believe Bradford is where all the radical muzzie stuff started.
    Not clear on Dewsbury.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   07/06/2011  at  10:12 AM  

  2. JayD Harlem in the 70’s and 80’s was probably pretty grim. I have been through some parts of Chicago which were equally grotty. There are parts of London which were similar. Brixton and Southwark come to mind where the population is largely from the West Indies. That being said they are nothing like Tower Hamlets. For years it was a joke area full of the worst the sewer party (Labour) could offer The local councillors were left wing fruit loops like Ken Livingslime. This combined with the few remaining white liberals who voted guessed it Liberals made for some awful local politics. They elected trash like slimy Simon Hughes. However in the past decade or more the area has become increasingly taken over by Bangladeshis and Somalis and is truly an unpleasant place. Gang violence is out of control. The mad mullahs are beating up gays and putting up posters threatening violence to women who wont wear body bags. So much so that even the liberals have woken up and moving out. Now they elect scum like the “respect” party. The one with wee Georgie Galloway. You remember him? The ex best friend of Saddam Hussein (who’s still dead btw).

    Bradford, Dewsbury et al were once thriving cotton mill towns. They became uncompetitive as other countries paid their workers less. So rather than spend money on new more efficient equipment they pressured the governemnt to allow people from the India sub continent, mainly Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to immigrate. These people by and large then chose to import their cousins for marriage rather than marry like civilised people. The result is what will eventually be Bosnia writ large as the remaining white folk realise they have been colonised by the barbarians.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/06/2011  at  03:06 PM  

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