It’s only because he’s black you know


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/25/2008 at 07:37 AM   
  1. You notice how on the majority (pun intended) of issues near and dear to their hearts (and pocketbooks) fiberals always want to have a poll driven mandate deciding the ‘vote’.

    On taxes (ending the IRS, cutting them to a more sane level, flat tax, fair tax etc) the fiberals (and most other politicos) are suddenly deathly silent on any and all polls on the issue. They also seem to hold that same view when it comes to talk of term limits.

    I think things that politicos find distasteful - reining in taxes, term limits, pay caps, stopping earmarks and pork, closing the border, deporting illegal aliens - are very popular concepts with the majority of Americans - and they fear the day that those left, right and center come together and force it down their throats - the exact same way they are forcing the socialist biracial empty suit, the communist, lying pantsuit and the pandering, RHINO old suit down American voters throats.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/25/2008  at  01:32 PM  

  2. So whose bitch will Snipes be? cool smile

    Posted by Macker    United States   04/25/2008  at  10:32 PM  

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