It’s Getting Higher


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/07/2011 at 11:10 AM   
  1. Impeach. The bastards. Now. Odingo AND Sheriff Joe. Then frog-march Holder straight to the stockade and slag the key. Anyone else involved who was not “simply following orders” gets thrown out of their jobs (no, I mean literally thrown out, on their asses, preferably from the 2nd story window; don’t worry, it won’t kill them) and forbidden to work in any level of government, elected to public office, or anything else on the public payroll. Hell, let all the top guys rot in Hotel Greybar, and everyone else involved gets no more jobs beyond third-string enema technician at a laboratory services provider.

    Posted by Red Five    United States   07/07/2011  at  11:21 PM  

  2. I agree - as Rush pointed out yesterday - Nixon was Impeached and hung out to dry - for covering up a break in. No one died, it was dirty politics but hey - it happens.

    Obama and Holder sold automatic weapons to be intentionally carried across the border into Mexico for drug lords - and people died both in Mexico and a Border Agent - and oh btw, Rush mentioned today that in 2009 16 million and in 2010 37.5 million from OBAMA’S STIMULUS PLAN went to ‘fund’ Operation Fast & Furious.

    Now when is someone with POWER going to stand up - and STOP this - some people have already died - unemployment is over 9%, there hasn’t been a budget from the Senate for 800 days - and not only hasn’t Obama gotten our troops out of Iraq or Afghanistan (where more Troops have died UNDER Obama’s ‘command’ for 2.5 years, than in the 7 years under Bush) but has us tied up in Libya and ‘interfering in another sovereign country’s governing’ at the cost of how much per day?!? (and oh, yes - the Troops are NOT at war but are receiving combat pay), took over a (private) car company, took over all student loans etc, etc, etc.

    Bet he will attempt to by-pass Congress on the debt ceiling. All of it is simply political/financial -

    But in a typical Liberal attempt to end round the 2nd Amendment and enact stronger gun control laws - has KILLED people.

    When are We The People going to stand up and DEMAND that this President be IMPEACHED and tried for the high crimes and murder he has wrought upon not only America but Mexico?

    Meanwhile I am pleased to announce that Texas removed another sub-human scumbag and sent Leal to answer to God. So parts of America still live a sane and decent life.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/08/2011  at  03:11 PM  

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