Italy says yes to Blair for EU president… but ….. there’s a bit of a snag.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/06/2009 at 09:50 AM   
  1. Why would anyone want that grinning snake as President? He’s in Canada today giving a speech in Surrey for $700 a head I think I read somewhere. They would have to pay me $700 not to listen to the charlatan. As for Schengen. Well I seriously doubt they would sell that to the British public.

    Immigration officers are not the most popular of people and tend to get the blame for letting people in. The reality is they have their hands tied by EU law. However the idea of having an open frontier with France would have people out on the streets. We have already seen how ineffective the Schengen area is at rounding up people illegally in Europe. Why do the frogs have 800 people camped in Calais trying to sneak into Britain?

    The French need to man up and kick these shits back where they came from. I see the latest plan is to offer them €2000 and a free ticket back to Afghanistan. The money coming from Britain and France. What’s the betting Britain pays the lions share? Oh and I see the French communist unions won’t get involved, so it is all being done by Brits. The usual suspects such as the bed wetting refugee council (another fake charity btw) were wailing about sending Afghans back to a “war zone” this bollocks really boils my urine. Why should British, American and Canadian soldiers have to fight in Afghanistan when they have all these turds running away from it?

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   10/06/2009  at  03:48 PM  

  2. He’s in my country?  Jesus Palamino, what asshole in Canada Customs dropped the ball and let that son of a bitch set foot on my country’s soil?  (See, you’re right, there’s me making those Customs clowns all unpopular!) :D

    Well, at least it was British Columbia, on the west (LEFT) coast where there’s so many nutroots living there, I doubt I could enjoy the scenery because of ‘em all.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   10/06/2009  at  07:24 PM  

  3. Well, look on the bright side: for whatever Blair’s faults, he was a stalwart ally while fortune faded on the public theater, and perhaps with him in charge, Europe will actually DO SOMETHING.

    I can hope, no?

    Posted by Turtler    United States   10/06/2009  at  09:27 PM  

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