It Would Take A Miracle, Max


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/30/2020 at 12:38 AM   
  1. Little hint from these stories - Inflammation is the leading cause of most human diseases. Because constant inflammation weakens the immune system. Duh!

    Wouldn’t put it past the politicos, big pharma and whomever (just in case) is behind this entire virus mess - having known all along how to treat it/what drugs would work - the most cheaply.

    All authoritarian and dictatorial Nations (including socialist and communist) want to get rid of their elderly. They are seen as non-productive and on any given day a burden to their vaulted universal medical systems. Saw it way too often of the commie nations of the eastern bloc pushing granny and granddaddy over the borders so that they no longer had to take care of them. They then got the bennies of - our life expectancy rate went up and our healthcare costs went down. A win-win. And if you read anything coming from most of the African nations - it’s as simple as walking away from granny or granddad. So it can make sense that a disease that primarily kills those elderly or already diseased - would be a boon to many of these nations. Just saying - one can see how such a conspiracy theory can get going, Especially if the drugs that cure are 1) so cheap and/or 2) so readily available.

    Making my big move tomorrow - leaving the house for the first time since March 13th. Enter one place - masked. And then sitting in the car while hubby & daughter shop and get some food for the trip home. Fun times.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/30/2020  at  09:31 AM  

  2. That’s about the level of excitement we’ve been having here too. Every few days we mask up and make a quick loop around town. Bank, gas station, grocery store, home. Maybe a stop at the KwikeeMart or Walmart or pick up a 6 pack. And that’s it. Out and back in under an hour. To limit our exposure we’re operating like scuba divers: plan the dive and dive the plan. The days of wandering around the stores, casually looking at everything, comparing prices in different stores, etc ... those are over. Get in, get what’s on the list, get out ASAP. Maybe if there’s an impulse item along our path. Maybe.

    But we are still well, and the virus presence in our county is still fairly light. And we’re taking our vitamins and supplements, and buying OJ when it’s available.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/01/2020  at  07:55 PM  

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