It must be Muslim Fashion Day


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/16/2009 at 01:51 PM   
  1. You know I’ve always wondered how the idiot muslim men manage to go around in their western dress complete with nikes and then somehow enforce the women to go around looking like a criminal in whatever the ‘local’ dress is. I guess they think their women are dumber and will always stay that way.  I see it here, with many ‘traditional’ cultures - the kids run around like Americans - but the women are in traditional garb - the men also look like Americans - I’d look at the women and say - why in the heck do you put up with it?

    Yes, I’m not too keen on going to Mass and seeing people in shorts and flip flops - I find that just as embarrassing and degrading - but this just seems to be a complete and utter insult and degradation of women (are you telling me that they control their thoughts, movements and such 24/7? I mean haven’t they/don’t they see tv, magazines etc?)

    I am not a fan of the trashy, whore styles that are so darn prevalent in amongst American teens and such as MTV, E! and/or the foul mouthed ‘comedy’ of Comedy Channel et al - but the obvious degradation of women (and it seems only women) is a question that I’d have to raise - of course these self same ‘religious’ zealots persecute Jews & Christians and think just about anything including murder is a viable way to interact with others. . .

    I don’t run or even exercise much but just the thought of living in that crap and having to ask permission just to do anything or being able to be accused, beaten or killed by any ole nasty ass man who gets a bug up his ass - just makes me want to kick him in the jewels. Shooting them is just too much over kill - a good swift kick and then oh say four well placed extremity shots and of course the final kill shot - with one left for self - since you know his culture is not going to ever listen to my side of the story.

    I think that the InterNet and the immediate 24/7 nature of todays world is exactly what is going to bring down this cult of religious extremity. The children, the woman are no longer left in a closed, controlled world - there is too much seeping in from outside - that offers them hope and a glimpse into a world that makes theirs appear as the 3rd century idiocy that it is.

    You might revile the author & consider her stupid not to get the heck out of Dodge - but it will be a woman like her - who has the (dare I say it) audacity to say “WTF” and start the ball rolling down that slippery slope that the nomadic, terroristic, hate filled, cult followers of the religion of peas won’t be able to stop - without wiping out their own. Which we know, they have no problem doing - talk about an uncivil war.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/17/2009  at  06:53 AM  

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