It breaks my heart to see Israel’s stupidity.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/05/2009 at 12:07 PM   
  1. This guy is playing for the other side. I do not understand this. I have known Jewish people who have this sort of “lie down and take it, always be weak” attitude and I do not understand it AT ALL. If I was part of a group who’s motto was (or ought to be) Never Again I’d take that seriously. And actively. This guy is stuck on surrender.

    Spend zillions to flood Gaza with money to end poverty and unemployment? What a crock of shit. How many trillion dollars has made it’s way there already, under the guise of food aide, medical aide, economic aide, etc.? It all gets turned into weapons.

    Gazans do not want jobs. They do not want a normal life. They do not want to “feel safe”. They want to kill Jews. They want to destroy Israel. That’s it. That’s all. And they’ve said so a million times. The whole population went out of their way to vote in a terrorist organization to run the place. They did this knowingly. They then supported a even crazier terrorist group that had a coup, because the first bunch wasn’t crazy enough.

    “Oh poor us, we’re forced to live in these awful refugee camps!” Camps my ass. These are cities. And these cretins are so poor, so mistreated, so pogrommed that their population has increased 800% since the expulsions. This is a growing cancer.

    And as for “civilian casualties”, that’s an even bigger crock. Their people VOLUNTEER to stand in front of their fighters to act as human shields. Little children trained to kill, to throw rocks and grenades. Ancient grannies with suicide vests. Mothers breeding children for the sole purpose to send into the fray. These are not human beings. These are animals. And there are no civilians. None over the age of 5 at any rate.

    No. Now is the time for Israel to fight. And to win totally. Somebody ought to smack this defeatist cowardly rabbi.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/05/2009  at  01:16 PM  

  2. Amazing huh?  Gotta wonder how some ppl are so blissfully blind. Scary too because he really deeply believes this crap.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/05/2009  at  01:56 PM  

  3. Please pardon the expression, but FUCK COLLATERAL DAMAGE! What Drew just said, there are no innocents over the age of 5. Actually, remember that 2 1/2 year old on old jizzera that called all Jews “apes and pigs”? They start the brainwashing at birth. Sure there may be some that don’t want to be there. Sorry ‘bout that shit. Leave or die.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/05/2009  at  04:20 PM  

  4. "I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,”

    (Exodus 20:3-6).

    “He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:2-4

    Hamas’ goal is Not to have a Palistinian Homeland,

    But to Exterminate the Jews and Israel.

    All of the Funding given to the Palestinian Authority

    Could have been used to establish a Paradise in Gaza. It was Not.

    Land for Peace is a Failure.

    Now the only other Hope for Peace is Crushing Hamas and Depopulating Gaza.

    It is as in WWII, when All the GI’s knew that their return Home Must go thru Berlin.

    There are those that have compared Israel to the Nazi’s.

    The Nazi’s Murdered Innocent people.

    Hamas is Not Innocent.

    Posted by SwedeBoy    United States   01/05/2009  at  07:19 PM  

  5. The motto IS “Never Again”.  It came from the ashes of WWII and the concentration camps.  The founders of Israel swore to never again peacefully go to slaughter.  They were hard core and they fought.  They founded the state of Israel.

    Rabbi Lerner represents the defeatist Jew.  The self loathing Jew.  The Jew who thought you could negotiate with Hitler.  The sort of Jew who whines and wails rather than take constructive action.  He is obviously very intelligent, but he uses his intelligence to make excuses and blind himself to the nature of the Palestinians.  The phenomenon is called denial and he is not alone.  The phenomenon is also appears in alcoholics, addicts, Democrats and various other people who refuse to accept reality.  As Jews, we are supposed to be compassionate.  The careful way the Israelis try to limit collateral damage is proof of this.  They don’t just blow up a whole neighborhood, they target the bad guys very carefully, generally with very precise missile attacks.  That is there for all to see.  Go check over the accounts of the Israelis assassinating Palestinian leaders.  Compare that with Al Quaida.  There is no problem with compassion, it’s a moral ideal.  The problem is that Rabbi Lerner has taken that principle and bent it out of shape to the point that he cannot see the danger to Israel of the nature of the Palestinians. 

    Drew, you missed only one good point about the Palestinians.  Animals in general are really very nice or at least useful.  Cats, dogs, horses and cows come to mind The Palis are rabid animals, no use to anyone.  Or are they?

    At one time, they really were displaced persons in refugee camps.  As with any war or major upheaval, with the birth of Israel, there were refugees.  In this case, there were more than usual because the the Arab governments of the surrounding countries told them to get out of the way while all the Jews were killed.  After the war, the Arab brethren of the Palis kept them restricted to the refugee camps.  The Palis were given very few of the rights of other Arab citizens.  They couldn’t even own land.  Over twenty years after the birth of Israel, there were still Palestinian refugee camps in Arab countries.  Why were there still Palestinian refugee camps?


    The Palis didn’t always take this treatment lying down.  Anyone remember the old terrorist group, Black September?  Anyone know where they got their name?  In September of 1970 the Palis tried to overthrow King Hussein of Jordan.  His response was to slaughter them by the tens of thousands.  The surviving Palis moved to Lebanon and never messed with King Hussein again.  What they did to Lebanon is another subject.  But I digress.

    The key purpose of keeping the Palis in the camps and feeding them hate was to forge them into a weapon to use against the Israelis.  They became rabid, suicidal, maniacal, human weapons. 

    In the course of events, Egypt lost Gaza to the Israelis, Syria lost the Golan heights and Jordan lost the West Bank of the River Jordan.  Waiting in place with this land for the Israelis were the Palestinians.  One of the most dangerous hidden weapons in all of history. 

    From there, most know the course of history.  The Israelis tried to integrate the Palis into Israeli society, but very few were willing to live in peace.  Those who were willing to live in peace, were targeted by the mad dogs until they got in line.  The Israelis tried to make peace, the Palis made bombs and so the story goes to this day. 

    There you have it as best I understand it.  How do you cure the violent insanity of all the Palestinians?  The only time the Palis have ever made peace with anyone, was with King Hussein of Jordanian after they were hammered into the ground by the King’s troops.  These are the ugly facts that very few are willing to face.

    I am NOT defeatist Jew.
    Ahm Yisrael Chai!
    (Israel, the People of Israel, Lives)

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/06/2009  at  12:22 AM  

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