Israeli Retaliation


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/24/2005 at 09:01 AM   
  1. Mid-East Politics:  8
    Topicality:  9
    Seriousness:  9
    Gravity:  9
    boobies & cutebutt 0

    Overall Red-Meat Index:  0

    Posted by Oink    United States   09/24/2005  at  09:26 AM  

  2. So do you think Sharon will admit that his give up the west bank policy was stupid and pointless now?

    Posted by rightwingprof    United States   09/24/2005  at  09:40 AM  

  3. Prof: You think GeorgeW will stop trying to placate Ted Kennedy et al. ?

    Posted by Oink    United States   09/24/2005  at  09:46 AM  

  4. “Palestinian Information Minister Nabil Shaath denounced the strike as an “act of criminal aggression” and accused Israel of trying to destroy a truce that largely has held since February”.

    Hmm, and the barrage of 39 rockets from Gaza into Israel was not destructive to the truce?  That doesn’t make any sense! One wonders just what Sharon is planning!?!?  He is not this stupid… I suspect a master plan in play here.

    Notice how the Palestinians are frequently blowing themselves up because they are mishandling explosives and manufacturing extremely unstable home made explosives.  The bomb makers are all missing fingers and hands, pretty easy to spot in a crowd.  Just look for the extra-crispy Palestinian whose missing a few fingers! Those rockets are nothing more then homemade model rockets with a small explosives package.  There is no guidance, they are not much more then a large bottle rocket!  The bipedal stealth cruise missile still works best (suicide bomber) as they can carry enough explosives to make an effective blast radius but the rockets cannot carry enough explosive to do much more then wound a few people and blow small random holes in roofs and streets.

    What bothers me is that the very day Israel pulled out of Gaza, the Palestinians started up a massive smuggling ring from Egypt and are actively stockpiling arms in Gaza.  They were already smuggling via multiple tunnels which the Israelis would uncover now and then. If the Palestinians rise up and launch an invasion into Israel, they will get slaughtered.  Now that Israel has left Gaza, they will most certainly keep Gaza under surveillance and the Palestinians may be stupid enough to operate in the open.  The strike against Palestinian rocket positions and the digging in of Israeli troops along with heavy artillery show they are ready to strike back when necessary.

    The Palestinians don’t deserve any respect at all at the negotiating table.  For that matter, they don’t deserve water purification nor electrical power either. I say give the Palestinians Gaza and the West Bank and build a huge wall between Palestine and Israel.  Give them their own state but stop trade with Israel entirely.  Provide a way for the Palestinians to travel from Gaza to the West Bank.  I say shutdown the Israeli power and water processing plants and tell the Palestinians to build their own!  They get their electricity and water back when they fully disarm!  Also, unless they are Israeli citizens, they can kiss their jobs goodbye.  Why allow Palestinians to cross the border to work in Israel if they are not voting citizens of Israel?

    The Palestinians are completely outmatched by the Israelis.  I don’t believe a military standoff has endured this long in the history of mankind.  The kind hearted Israelis refused to put the Palestinians out of their misery after the last several wars.  Now they have to deal with the fallout.  There is no easy answer, except to get very brutal.  You cannot defeat the enemy unless you are willing to fight the enemy.  The only way this will happen is if someone like Egypt or Iran starts a shooting war with Israel.  Then we get a repeat of the last 4-5 wars. The Israelis will fight back and kick the crap out of all enemies and then begin occupying their land again.  This conflict will never end until Armageddon and Kingdom Come.

    Posted by MJS    United States   09/24/2005  at  10:53 AM  

  5. The Palestinians are completely outmatched by the Israelis.

    And we’d better make sure it stays that way.

    Posted by rightwingprof    United States   09/24/2005  at  10:57 AM  

  6. For those of you who don’t know already: OldCatMan is 1. agnostic 2. dyslexic 3. insomniac

    He lies awake for hours, wondering “Is there a Dog?”

    Posted by Oink    United States   09/24/2005  at  11:32 AM  

  7. Oh, Allah be praised, we blew up some of our own by being incompetent. We blame Israel! So, we will attack the Zionists because, in all things, we blame someone else for our own stupidity, and we blame Israel! Look at the casualties - 85 martyrs and 250 wounded, every single one women and children. Widows and orphans all, too. Pregnant widows and little tiny orphans. And old women. Prengant old women and tiny pregnant orphans. And we blame Israel!

    Inshallah, we will have revenge. We blame Israel!

    Hey! Akbar! What is that you’re carrying? A home made bomb to kill Zionists? Uh, well folks, I gotta go and leave Akbar to his work. And, also, we blame Bush! It is easier than thinking!


    Posted by Rickvid    United States   09/24/2005  at  12:35 PM  

  8. Death by APACHE!

    Posted by Macker    United States   09/24/2005  at  01:33 PM  

  9. I HAVE seen the devil’s cross, and from what I hear, it is a terrifying visage when it targets your poor sorry ass for destruction.

    However, Warthogs are a bit too broad a brush for use in places like Gaza. Israel will NEVER get credit for the caution they use to avoid innocent and civilian casualties (see the Jenin incursion), no matter what. Nonetheless, they will use Apaches and other more precise weapons to ensure, to the degree possible, that they kill bad guys, not the innocents that the thugs and gutless pig vomits and sons on sows use as cover.

    No big protest marches against the Palestinian murderers (when did the NATION of Plestine ever exist?) who massacre innocent civilians both Israeli and Arab. But then, they are only Joooooz, so who cares?

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   09/24/2005  at  08:09 PM  

  10. Oooops, Palestine, I mean.

    As in, what were its borders, its currency, its founding documents, its founding fathers, its capital, the nations that recognized it with embassies and which it similarly recognized?

    Palestine was a Roman sub-district, not unlike “The Pacific Northwest.” It never ever existed as a nation. It exists only due to the venom of the Arab nations and their tyrant leaders and the UN idiots who use it like the “firewater” of the Muslims. Keeps them out of their minds with craziness but little analysis or thought.

    And the useful idiots of the west fall right in line.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   09/24/2005  at  08:14 PM  

  11. I always wonder if these Palestinians are such fine folk, why are they so unwelcome amongst their fellow moooslims? You would think the Saudis with all their ill gotten gains would offer them a home or Syria perhaps? It seems to me the rest of the arab world despises the Palestinians.

    Hopefully by exerting enough pressure on the “moderates” (if any exist) Israel can gain a measure of security. Was Sharon right to pull out of Gaza? Well in my view yes if it consolidates his position. However if the scumbags continue to fire rockets into Israel what choice do they have other than to defend themselves?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   09/25/2005  at  02:49 AM  

  12. But OCM, IS there a Dog?  wtf  3stooges

    Posted by Oink    United States   09/25/2005  at  08:41 AM  

  13. If the Warthog isn’t available for duty, then just introduce the paleswinians to Ms. MOAB excaim

    First time I ever saw an A-10 up close and personal was at a mil-air showat the Manchester NH airport about 18 years ago. Man, those things are huge!  And to think that just one pilot controls all that firepower, and the aircraft it almost as big as a 727… Yeow!!!!  shock  excaim

    LC RatPat flag

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   09/27/2005  at  02:35 PM  

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