Islamic extremists should get therapy …… (That isn’t a joke people. It’s being suggested here)


Tell ya the truth I am beside myself with frustration on this.  What if, and I can see this, a terror suspect is wanted by our ppl.  But ...
the folks here think he should be in therapy and not some prison somewhere. Or dead which is better. Something to think about.

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 06/03/2008 at 03:43 AM   
  1. This is pure B.S.

    I just finished reading the book Understanding Terror Networks by Marc Sageman. He is a forensic psychiatrist who worked with DoD studying captured terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq. He finds that very few extremists, at least in the Islamic world, are traumatized. Mostly they are well-to-do and coddled and attend the best schools. (This doesn’t quite hold for the ones from North Africa, but they aren’t the leaders.)

    I’m working on my recommended reading list. This book is on it.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/03/2008  at  05:59 AM  

  2. A symptom of just how out of touch these liberal half wits are. I am currently reading an excellent book by a former UK policeman called “wasting police time he penned it under he pseudonym David Copperfield. It is worth reading to get an insight into just how screwed up Britain is by this woolly kind of thinking. Counselling mad mullahs what a fjourkin joke.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/03/2008  at  09:00 AM  

  3. BTW “David Copperfield” was so disgusted with British policing and the decline in Britain he emigrated to Canada.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   06/03/2008  at  09:01 AM  

  4. The Brits have my unqualified sympathies.  Apparently their true government is like that in Oz “Don’t mind the man behind the curtain” (a muzzie).  I’d say NuLabor is just a front for them.

    Now it’s abundantly clear why the English lords and masters have disarmed the populace.  Can’t have the peasants protecting themselves, their families, homes, and the once green fields (now with minarets popping up over the countryside).  It makes one wonder who is going to step up and liberate the Brits from those who would subjugate her and when that’s going to happen.  Frankly, I sadly expect to hear that the monarchy goes the way of the Fwench aristocracy during the 1790s uprising.  The gratuitious dancing in the streets accompanied by the passing out of sweets will doubtless follow shortly thereafter.

    What gets me is the jizya being paid the muzzies in the form of “counseling fees”.  It’s more than enough that England is now offically a dhimmi state with Sharia law about to be forced down their throats.

    The sun has finally set on the British Empire.

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   06/03/2008  at  04:45 PM  

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