ISIS: hellspawn barbarians lead by former US prisoner


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/15/2014 at 01:30 PM   
  1. From what I understand sand turns to glass under very high temperatures, that would make it much easier to clean, the few good remaining folks need to flee where & when they can then nuke the whole bloody mess and start over. Maybe extreme but I beats the hell out of my grandson cleaning up this dung heap 20 years from now there or, God forbid here. angry

    Posted by Col. Bat Guano    United States   06/15/2014  at  05:39 PM  

  2. With what is going on right now Col - the US will be lucky if it is even close to 20 years. I don’t think it will be that long.

    Such a waste. We are still in Japan, Germany & Korea (where there still is a ‘front’ and no end to the real ‘unending war’) and look - we stepped in - Occupied Japan & Germany (I have Hummels with that stamped on them) - and then rebuilt them. They are stable, functioning countries.

    We (thanks to the Dems for both intervention, escalation and - finally) cut and ran in Vietnam, Iraq and look what happened/is happening.

    Heck - we are still in Kosovo (home by Christmas, remember).

    This one is purely intentional - this (p)Resident is pushing in overdrive to a OneGlobalWorld Government (which I would not be surprised, if he dreams he can head - but we all know - it will be someone from Europe - Soros anyone - although his age sets him out).

    We The People need to go Galt - stop paying taxes to this regime, start with barter and trade (i.e. cash only) and move together and solidify the people who care about America and are willing to fight for it - against those who want to turn it into a socialist disaster.

    This is not ‘obama’ - this is not bush’s fault - This nudge and pushing has been going on since the 60s when the peace, love and kumbayah anti-Establishment but began at the turn of the 1900s when the Federal Government started a perpetual (never forget - no more than 3% of your salary) income taxation - escalated their push to tear apart and stealthily move into Institutional positions to destroy America.

    They are now in the seats of power - and are making Nixon and his henchmen - look like pikers. And are 100 times worse than the people they pointed their fingers at.

    I weep for the World - because if America falls - then it will descend into the dark ages again.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/16/2014  at  08:29 AM  

  3. Do you have to post pics of Captain FAIL for effect or do you just like to picture in your head the scene where I vomit after viewing it?

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/16/2014  at  05:33 PM  

  4. NeutronN bomb.  No muss, no fuss, no lingering radiation.  Flash!  Go in a few days later and clean up the bodies and start moving in human beings.  Infrastructure (if there was any) stays intact.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   06/21/2014  at  03:53 PM  

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