Is there a contrapositive race card?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 02/27/2008 at 06:34 PM   
  1. my vote for best post since the skipper left...............®

    Posted by Rancino    United States   02/27/2008  at  10:22 PM  

  2. Somebody please find me some good news about this election.  It looks as if the best choice really will be McCain.  God help us.

    Since Hillary’s people let it be known that they were fixing the election through the Super Delegates, her supporters have been bailing left and right.  Even liberal publications are taking shots at her.  It’s like seeing a wounded animal torn apart by the rest of the pack.  The Dems are sure pretty quick to turn on one of their own.  They don’t just take care of business and get on with it, they turn it into a public flogging.

    I thought Obama was an empty suit, but now it’s looking a lot worse than that.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   02/28/2008  at  03:05 AM  

  3. This is why I don’t own a TV. American Idol and Survivor ratings imply just exactly this. The majority of Americans have been raised on TV bubblegum for the mind for so long that responding to slick feel good packaging is very nearly a Povlovian response.

    It’s depressing, yes. But it’s not surprising at all.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   02/28/2008  at  06:13 AM  

  4. The good news is Hillary’s chances of every reaching the White House diminishes daily.

    If OHB gets the nod and goes on to win the presidency, the next time Hillary can run, she’ll be 8 years older, 8 years uglier, 8 years nastier, 8 years more unlikeable.

    If McCain wins, she will have to battle OHB all over again four years from now.

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   02/28/2008  at  07:37 AM  

  5. I have two points.

    First, we are selecting presidents precisely the way we do American Idol. Week after week, they come on and do their thing. We then vote on the “performance” rather than anything they stand for. We will end up with the best sounding candidate, but someone else will be writing the songs…

    Second, there has been a lot of writing about the race card, and I think people are missing the point. Obama is not running as an African-American. He doesn’t have to. If he gets the nomination, as a Democrat, you know he automatically gets 90% of the black vote. Add to that the number of Blacks who will vote for him because of his color without him mentioning it. How many more votes do you think he would get if he actually came out and said, “vote for me because I am black.” I am sure he did the math and saw that was a losing game.

    Posted by Spike72AFA    United States   02/28/2008  at  07:55 AM  

  6. Slightly off-topic...In the States that have had primaries so far, how many people voted compared to the total number of registered voters? My own take on the primaries is that a lot of people don’t go to the polls for whatever reason. The ones that do make it to the polls tend to be more activist (for want of a better word). If my assumption/obsrvaton is correct, then the candidates coming out on top in the primaries cannot necessarily lay claim to “broad-based popular support” having been selected by a relatively small minority of the voters. If that is the case, shame on those too busy, lazy, or (fill in the blank) to go to the polls.

    Just wondering. Anybody have any numbers?

    Posted by Miami Harold    United States   02/28/2008  at  08:52 AM  

  7. Spike72, you are correct, but I believe I am as well. While Obama isn’t explicitly running on color, I’ve noticed that a lot of criticism levied against him is interpreted by his camp as being implicitly racist. Or at least “race aware” which is apparently just as bad. I am not the only one to notice.

    person A: “I don’t like this voting ‘present’ record he has.”
    person B: “You’re only saying that because he’s black.”
    person A: huh????

    So he seem to be strongly shielded by his race, no matter what. And up until now, a lot of white folks have been uncomfortable even mentioning that they notice the shield. It’s kind of an Emporer’s New Clothes thingy, but I figured “contrapositive race card” sounded better, even if ‘contrapositive’ isn’t the exact proper logical relationship term to use.

    Watching TV last night, either O’Rielly or Glenn Beck, one of them touched on this. Even had a quote from some GOP Senator saying we all had to be extra special careful when talking about BHO. And honestly, I find that really offensive.

    My God, can’t we even raise the election of our President above the politics of victimhood? It’s disgusting.
    “waah, you can’t say that about him cuz he’s sorta black!”
    “waah, why does everybody always ask me the first question? No fair! Boo hoo, they’re all picking on me cuz I’m a woman, sniff sniff.”
    “I missed Woodstock. I was tied up at the time.”

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/28/2008  at  08:57 AM  

  8. MH - you can find the numbers, but most states get far less than 10% turnout. And many states have polluted - I mean “open” - primaries that let folks from other parties vote on your candidate. That ain’t right.

    So we get 7% of the people out to pick the candidates, then 45% of the people vote on them, then 100% of the people complain about it later. Geez.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/28/2008  at  09:05 AM  

  9. Rancino - I thought the exact same thing!

    BHO is not black he is biracial I am surprized (but not really, it was attempted at the beginning) that the black activists, oops community aren’t all over his ‘passing’ - he is also not American (descended from slaves) black but rather African black - really when you know any of either - have not much in common or even liked by each other. . .He is a JR Senator and as Ms Ferraro said - if he weren’t black - would he even be viable?. . .He claims to be outside the beltway and a new breath of fresh air - but his record in the IL Senate of voting Present 50% of the time was answered with, ‘when something in a bill is not to your liking and you want it fixed, that is how it’s done to send it back to committee‘ - color me STUPID but isn’t that politics as usual?. . .And you can say what you want - his Muslim heritage (or Not) does not bode well for America at all - We will see it either touted front page all over the World (to build Muslim/Islam up even more) or a fanatic will be inspired to come after the Muslim who claims to have turned on the faith (even a bigger infidel than the rest of us). . .Neither of which is good for America.

    It is time to stop the conservative, liberal, man, woman, black or white Tripe and start getting down to business - what is best for America’s future? And I don’t think it is a socialist (Muslim or not)empty suit.At.All.

    P.S. OT big time - but Michelle Malkin has a followup story that really clears up the definition of Hope:

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/28/2008  at  09:20 AM  

  10. Drew - I agree with you and the shield that BHO has. We have, over the last 40 years made it impossible for anyone outside of a victim group to have any authority to challenge a member of that group for any reason. We all remember the “You wouldn’t understand, it’s a Black thing” bumper stickers. This is similar to the Chicken Hawk meme. Essentially, if you don’t have the identical credentials of the person you are challenging, because of your different skin/history/loss, you are automatically dismissed. No one has to acknowledge or refute the content of your statement because you are not allowed to make it.

    On a related issue, I am curious to see how long the MSM can keep BHO’s lighter than air campaign afloat. He is the biggest thing right now. But, IMHO, he is currently a one hit wonder. Think Vanilla Ice, Tone Loc, Lou Bega, etc. When their music was fresh, they sold out the big venues, but six months later, you wouldn’t cross the street to see them. If BHO doesn’t come up with a second act, he will be in the discount rack by Nov. (We can only hope)

    Posted by Spike72AFA    United States   02/28/2008  at  04:05 PM  

  11. The Dem pick for President is Milli Vanilli… that’s just TOO MUCH.


    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   02/29/2008  at  04:14 AM  

  12. Here’s Michelle Obama’s Race Card:

    Posted by Macker    United States   03/02/2008  at  12:48 AM  

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