Is Newt’s Plan 2 little 2 late?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/06/2008 at 09:23 AM   
  1. Thanks Peiper, but I don’t know if it would work.

    Bloggers are news junkies. We have to be. And we’d suck at politics because of the very reason we’re good at being bloggers: no compromises. Plus, nobody really listens. It’s the same small circles of readers going around from one VRWC blog to another, I swear. I can find at least 5 of my major commenters at many other blogs, especially in the gunnie zones. Hey, I’m grateful they come here too. I’m just showing how small this digital world really might be.

    The only time this blog was ever noticed by the MSM (we were even on TV for 4 seconds!) was for some silly stuff - Alan suggested running the bulls at Pamplona behind the PETA Running of the Nudes effort that was protesting it.

    Many of us send emails and write letters. I can’t tell you how many I’ve sent myself. But they don’t get read. At most they generate a checkmark in a column so that your representative knows which way to stand on an issue. If you want your voice to actually be heard it takes real money.

    It’s a real miracle the blogosphere was able to bring down Dan Rather. It’s just as big a miracle that we’ve exposed the faux-tography coming out of Palestine and other muslim areas. But the big media still is in control and they won’t bite. Well, not very much. It’s almost funny to watch the TV news in the midafternoon, when they’ve been out stealing stories from the blogosphere. What we all read about a week ago makes the TV news today.

    I just linked a post to 2 other blogs that pretty much nail down Obama as a communist. Even if this spreads like fire it will not make the TV news. Ever. All the news that fits, you know how it is.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/06/2008  at  03:06 PM  

  2. anyway all 3 of them could lose?
    macboy needs to come out with his own contract with america and a good vp, alaska’s guv?

    Posted by Rancino    United States   05/06/2008  at  05:26 PM  

  3. Yes Drew, this is low hanging fruit… but I gotta go with Newt on this one. While everything he suggests may be easy pickings, the overall package is what I see as decisive: The Republicans need to lay out specifics, a list of a dozen or so *particular* items, not nebulous like concepts like “change”. Give the voters a hard copy of it, saying “Here, this is what I stand for, what I’m trying to do. Fact check me, hold my feet to the fire on this.”
    The particular issues I don’t think will matter so much as defining Republicans, or conservatives of whatever stripe, as the people who *ask the voters to hold them accountable*, and give them the means to do so. The “politics as usual” that Obama CLAIMS to be fighting against but isn’t is more a matter of the “Oh not me, it’s not MY fault” mentality than anything else. Replace that with someone who acts like it’s a job he was contracted to do, who is transparent in reporting his actions and their results to those who contracted him.... I think that would generate some *actual* change. If the trend continued for more than 6 years, I think the very nature of politics would change, especially if it continued more than 12.
    12 years is 2 terms for the House, 3 for the Senate. Ample time for the opposition to have had its chance to demonize. Ample time to respond to the demonization with “Here’s the hard copy of what I said I’d do. Here’s my report on the results. Here’s who fought it and what they claimed would happen. Here’s what actually happened.” Ample time to have gone through that cycle more than once, on more than one issue.
    I really don’t think voters expect perfection. Lord knows we accept enough baggage in our candidates. But I do think that if any party consistently showed transparency and accountability, they’d become the majority party pretty quickly.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/07/2008  at  06:36 AM  

  4. Drew,

    That had to be one of the most concise opinions I’ve read in quite some time, while I think Newt has a good point - it’s too late!

    This November, a true conservative will have the pleasure of choosing which evil to vote for; we either get a middle of the road Rhino named McCain (I’ll use my Glock 21 on myself first) or we get Obama/Hillary. Either way we have lost the 2008 Presidential race!

    Then I glance at the “people” in congress and wonder when I’ll be called back up to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC”.

    Personally, I hope Obama wins the democratic nomination so I can at least have something to laugh at when his “change” causes him to fall flat on his face.

    Posted by 45 cal    United States   05/07/2008  at  03:30 PM  

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