Is It Safe Yet?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/28/2005 at 05:46 AM   
  1. There’s no doubt in my mind that the Jessica Lundsford case will shake the lawmakers up. I predict at the very least a national registry and at the best GPS tracking. There’s a very good chance that the crime may be federalized (no parole) and in any event ... people are going to start changing things at the local level. She didn’t die in vain Allan. Her death will change forever the way these bastards are dealt with. Of this I am sure.

    Posted by Steel Turman    United States   03/28/2005  at  06:30 AM  

  2. A registration system would not be necessary if appropriate action was taken in the first instance.... cool grin

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   03/28/2005  at  07:49 AM  

  3. That was before the pedophiles outnumbered the other prisoners.
    Down the road from where I live is a prison dedicated to “sex offenders” - 90% of whom were convicted for offenses against minors.

    Personally, any pedophile who attacked any of my cousins/future children would be lucky to get caught by the police.  John Browning and Samuel Colt, assisted by yours truly, would do their damndest to shut them down for good.

    Legally, let’s mandate 20-50 years without parole for the first offense, 200 years for the second, and death by firing squad to anyone who kills their victim.  Harsh it may be, but it’s still merciful compared to what those predators do.

    Posted by JSThane    United States   03/28/2005  at  09:38 AM  

  4. How about castrating them as well?

    Posted by lisar915    United States   03/28/2005  at  12:41 PM  

  5. Well mercy me, what more can be said.

    There is something to JSThanes idea. In Colorado there used to be what was called a little bitch and a big bitch for habitual criminals. A little bitch was 25 years, no parol. A big bitch was life, no parol. Need to bring this back. If pedophiles strike more than once execute them or lock them up and throw away the key. The risk is to big to try to rehabilitate them.
    Also, WTF is this thing about building prisons just for pedophiles/sex offenders, lock the bastards in a cell with Bubba. Stop segregating the pedo’s from the general population and the gen pop will take care of the problem.

    Posted by LC Geno    United States   03/28/2005  at  04:07 PM  

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