Is it any wonder people are fleeing London?  This won’t be an easy read people. It’s horrific!


Of course this isn’t the only crime story to make the news in the last day or two.
But it makes clear people aren’t safe because there are no punishments worthy od the name in place.
These miserable bastards should be racked .... they too should have an acid bath and so should anyone who objects to it.  The do not deserve humane treatment, and neither do the three white scum SOBs who beat and kicked a homeowner to death on New Years day, reported here earlier.

A society that isn’t safe in their own homes and on their own streets in daylight, is NOT a free society no matter how many platitudes made to democracy.

Closer to my home here outside Winchester,UK, a man with a looooong record of violent crime served 16 yrs in prison (rape,assault, attempted rape) and was a “good prisoner.” However ... authorities worried that his “human rights” might be in jeopardy if he weren’t allowed parole.
He was out a matter a month when he raped and killed a women in the village a mile from us.

This week a woman of 77 had her house invaded by 4 men, out of jail and living in a hostel.  They beat her to death.

Vigilante justice is the only thing that might work unless the powers that be start dealing harshly with the scum that keep ppl hidden in their homes behind locked doors.  The rack, the rope, the lash, castration are good places to start.

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 01/16/2008 at 11:39 PM   
  1. I don’t have a copy of the book anymore or I’d do it myself. One of our closet Heinlein fans needs to look up the “signs of a sick or dying culture”, about 3/4 of the way through his book, “Friday.”

    I believe you’ll find that two of the main ones are 1) Particularism, when the people of a country identify themselves with subgroups rather than the nation at large, and 2) the loss of politeness.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/17/2008  at  01:44 AM  

  2. I read ‘Friday’ once. Don’t recall the quote. Wasn’t she a clone?

    Not one of Heinlein’s best efforts. In ‘Time Enough for Love’ he states that once a civilization requires a gov’t ID it’s time to move on. Which was what was good about space travel… you could move on.

    Sadly, it’s time to move on, and no space travel available. Sigh. Must be a gov’t plot.

    Oh, yeah, peiper, sorry I got off topic, I just never get to talk about books. It’s like nobody reads anymore. The Brits have forgotten common law that allowed the people to bear arms. Now in Britain houses have to be criminal-friendly. No traps, no armed owners, etc. Very sad.

    Here in the States we’re passing ‘Castle Doctrine’ laws that basically say kill the @sshole if he’s on your property. Guess what? Crime rates are decreasing in states that have such laws. We are also passing laws that say if the criminal survives, he can’t sue in civil court. Nor can his family if he doesn’t survive.

    Liberals say that such laws are ‘barbaric’. Criminals are barbaric. Treat them like the barbarians they are.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   01/17/2008  at  08:06 AM  

  3. Fucking MUSLIM Animals!

    Posted by Macker    United States   01/17/2008  at  08:23 AM  

  4. GoF is right, that’s the gist of what RAH wrote. I thought at the time that loss of civility was going a bit far, but I’ve come to see that he was correct. Casual use of bad language ought to be in there somewhere too. Prurientism (if that’s a word?) would be another step. How many steps down the slippery slope can you take before falling over the edge?

    Turn on your TV and you get a lot of foul language these days; a lot of the shows seem to focus on cheap sex. Heck, that’s all Two And A Half Men seems to be about. How many of these reality shows are based on sticking it to the other guy any way you can?

    Rudeness, bad language, obsession with sex. Now add in a lack of respect for law and order. Next add a huge dose of excessive liberalism ... and you’ve got society going to hell, while focusing on the feeeelings of criminals, as if that matters in the least. We’re doomed.

    Bring back the Cat. Flog these bastards to death, slowly. Hey, it’ll impress the heck out of the muslims.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/17/2008  at  09:45 AM  

  5. yes you can have ‘worse than barbarians’. At least barbarians had a code of honor. And there is no animal we can malign so badly to represent this behavior. Rabid dogs are violent but not intentionally cruel. Nearly 20 years ago I heard the term “wilding” used ... and I remember this rough film called A Clockwork Orange.

    Shoot the bastards.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/17/2008  at  09:52 AM  

  6. .....just give me a concealed carry permit.  An armed society is a polite society.  I’ve managed to get a very few of my liberal friends to attend gun shows at one time or another.  All of them marveled and exclaimed at the polite and civil behavior they witnessed. 

    I cannot imagine a functional society that does not honor the castle doctrine.

    I remember Clockwork Orange quite well.  Alex and his droogies are so close to the behavior being reported that it’s spooky.  Kubrik missed the racial and religious aspects, but got the rest of it right.

    There isn’t much here that any of us will disagree with.  It’s interesting how many of us developed our basic social and political ideas from Heinlein.  Heinlein repeated his ideas in only slightly different form in a lot of his books.  Anyone remember “Rules for a Lifeboat”?  My memory is blanking on the exact titles just now, but I’m pretty sure that at least 6 or 8 or his works or series (Lazarus Long for example) carried the same basic themes.

    I remember Sharon Tate and by coincidence a family friend wound up living in the LaBianca house (long after Manson and Co. were in jail).  That whole business was very personal to everyone in the L.A. area.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/17/2008  at  01:30 PM  

  7. Yesterday another story to get the blood boiling. A gang of “youths” kicked a family man to death because he had the audacity to challenge them for vandalising his car.;jsessionid=LT3M4PROUPIHRQFIQMGCFFOAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2008/01/17/nnewlove117.xml

    His chief attacker had been let out on bail the very day the attack took place. How the scumbag lawyers and judges sleep at night escapes me. I am like Peiper in that I tend to swear far too often and I agree with Chris in as much as we should deal harshly with these savages. Unfortunately our membership of the EUrinal prevents us from reintroducing the death penalty or even life sentences actually meaning life.

    I am filled with anxiety about the long term prospects for Britain. My feeling is within my life time we will have a civil war. That or we will end up in a police state like East Germany. It is getting that way now with cameras everywhere. We cannot continue down this path without dire consequences. The sneering British liberal intelligentsia always point to the US as a bad example because so many people are locked up. However they seem to fail to grasp the simple fact that when people are in prison they can’t commit crime. Crime is falling in the US and yet in Britain (I don’t believe the official lies) crime is rampant and if you are brave or stupid enough to defend yourself t may be you who does jail time and not the criminal. How can that be right?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   01/17/2008  at  02:05 PM  

  8. Macker you are probably thinking about this story.....

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   01/17/2008  at  02:07 PM  

  9. God help that poor girl and her family. It’s truly a sad, sad situation, not just in Londonistan, but in many Western large metropolis’. The animals need to hunted down and dealt with accordingly.

    But don’t be milk toast and cower from the race pimps. Don’t be bullied into accepting the post modern perversion of language. Racism is accurately defined as holding to the notion of the inherent genetic superiority of one racial or ethnic group over all others simply by virtue of being born into the supposed ‘superior’ group. Thanks, darwin!

    It’s not racism to point out the obvious. The animals had brown to black skin. It’s a fact and part of the manhunt description. It maybe profiling, but it is not racism. Don’t let the race pimps bully you into perverting the language.

    Posted by Locomotive Breath 1901    United States   01/17/2008  at  06:41 PM  

  10. Isn’t it well past the time to invoke VIGILANTE justice?  It really does work if given the chance.
    These animals will of course have a trial, won’t they?  And what will their bogus defence be?
    Even their lawyers should be strung up as an example to other lawyers who would take a case like this.

    Aye, it is. But the people have been conditioned over the years to simply either run away or curl up and hide. Don’t fight back, you’ll be in more trouble than the attacker. BAH! What ever happened to the “Empire Where The Sun Never Sets”? What ever happened to the nation that ruled the earth? I was stationed in England from 82-94, and I watched it folding. I keep my eyes on it to see how much worse it’s gotten. Can you people say 1066? Oh, no you can’t! you’ll be charged with “hate crime” or some such bullshit.

    Vigilante justice is the only thing that might work unless the powers that be start dealing harshly with the scum that keep ppl hidden in their homes behind locked doors.  The rack, the rope, the lash, castration are good places to start.

    Because the Government for-godamn sure won’t.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/17/2008  at  07:22 PM  

  11. Can you exterminate cockroaches in England?  Or is that banned too?  It’s a shame there isn’t some silver-tongued lawyer/legislator that can have thugs like the ones appearing here declared no longer human, but reclassified as cockroaches under the law for their atrocious actions and dealt with as such. No offense meant UK friends, but it seems to me you’re in a scary position with few choices.

    Posted by dick    United States   01/17/2008  at  07:41 PM  

  12. I hate to say it, it saddens me that we’ve come to the point where this is even a consideration, but....

    This is one of the attractions of living on the US Gulf Coast. It’s too hot, it’s too humid, life is an ongoing war of attrition with the insects, the land gets overgrown with jungle if you don’t chop it back ALL the time, and yes, good ole white boy racial prejudice runs rampant. Nonetheless, if circumstances ever force you to use lethal force to defend yourself, and the insane laws of the land give you reason to fear the police and the courts as much as the criminals, you find one of the real advantages of living here:

    NOBODY is gonna get DNA evidence from a body after the alligators have found it. Possibly nature’s most perfect garbage disposal.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/18/2008  at  12:00 AM  

  13. Ya know, I gotta agree, we need more education and understanding.

    We need to understand that all human behavior is an extrapolation of survival instinct, and that if violent and sickening crime is on the rise we are obviously not making the punishment for such crimes be perceived as a threat to the survival of the criminals who commit them. There’s your understanding.
    For education, how about educating them in Mosaic Law? “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” If the perpetrators of that crime had been beaten, gangraped and doused with caustic soda… well I’ll almost guarantee THEY wouldn’t be doing it again, and I suspect that anyone else who would *consider* such an act would be given pause by considering the response.
    I have many times wished I could remember the book I read this in (I never got to finish it), but it struck me forcibly. As is typical with science fiction, the author spent much of the first pages laying the foundations of the society the story was set in. This story began on a blocked off section of freeway where sentencing was being carried out on a drunk driver who had caused an accident, breaking both of the other driver’s legs. The man was given a careful dosage of a paralytic drug that caused loss of muscle control without loss of feeling, and then laid out on an offramp. Then the ambulance driver ran over his legs, and checked to make sure they were broken. Upon giving the policeman the nod, the policeman started a stopwatch. It was estimated the ambulance had taken 21 minutes to get to the scene of the accident he had caused.
    You tell me, how common would drunk driving be if that was a typical example of sentencing?

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/19/2008  at  06:15 AM  

  14. This also makes me think of a discussion I had with my son on whether waterboarding was “torture”. He contended that it was, as it was interrogation by pain and fear, and put those interrogated in fear of their lives. My response:

    “Sure, I’ll concede that it’s torture. They aren’t in any actual danger of dying, and a moment’s thought will make it obvious. There are medics on hand to make sure they DON’T die, for one. And no one with any sense considers any form of interrogation effective if the person being interrogated dies instead of answering questions, so they know deep down they aren’t going to actually DIE.
    But consider who we are talking about. These are people who are proud of the idea that they will cheerfully blow themselves to bloody rags to enforce a religio-political view. They are being interrogated by being forced to acknowledge thier own survival instinct, which kicks in whether they like it or not. In short, they are being faced with the fact that no, they are willing to *be dead* for their beliefs, but they are NOT willing to go through the PROCESS OF DYING for them, otherwise waterboarding wouldn’t work, would it?
    Sure son, I’ll concede that repeatedly slapping someone in the face with their own moral cowardice is cruel. Yeah, I’ll concede that forcing someone to acknowledge that their “strength of faith” is founded on their ability to lie to themselves is torture.
    That’s why it works.”

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/19/2008  at  06:56 AM  

  15. GoF - I remember that one. Arrgh, I can’t remember who wrote it. I think it was a short story. The title ought to have been “An eye for an eye” but I’m not finding anything.

    C’mon you sci-fi junkies, help a brother out ... this one is at least 20 years old, probably written by one of the bigger authors. Scan those memory banks!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/19/2008  at  11:36 AM  

  16. Reading this just causes a raise in b.p. GoF, Drew, WE KNOW THIS! HOW IN THE FLYING HELL DO WE GET THE REST OF THE WORLD TO WAKE UP!!!!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/19/2008  at  05:31 PM  

  17. I wish I had a good answer for that one, cmblake. I’ve been trying for 30 years with no success.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/21/2008  at  09:18 AM  

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