Indoctrination Complete


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/14/2012 at 12:06 PM   
  1. This article says it all about the DNC and Obama (who will plead no knowledge of this ‘flag’) - there is only one thing to say about this:

    Imagine, just imagine if someone in the RNC raised such a flag with GWB on it (yes, I know, that never, ever would a Repub do something so crappy to the flag).

    I think Ms Hurlbert lies about the ‘flying for two months’ before being noticed. She’s just pissed that the instant they flew this abomination - a stink was raised.

    And doesn’t this go a tad beyond the old pictures of the ‘latest’ Dem hero - oops President on the living room wall? Go figure, my parents had paintings and pictures of the family on our walls.

    Bow to the state. Gone wild.

    So Obama thinks he belongs on the flag.
    So Obama declared open season on the American Eagle.
    So Obama via Obamacare has charged every person who has insurance $1.00 for abortion services.

    When did I go to sleep and wake up in China?
    God Help America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/14/2012  at  01:48 PM  

  2. I am a Conservative Canadian.  I am outraged at the continuing egregiously unacceptable statements and activities of the American Donks and affiliated shifty-lefties.  I am continuously amazed at the patience being shown by the U.S. people to this renegade government.  This government is the enemy of independence, patriotism and security.  Too bad the Federal elections are so far away.

    Posted by rbm    United Kingdom   03/15/2012  at  06:06 AM  

  3. rbm:  Canadian as well, here. 

    The problem with elections is the politicians win.  No matter which party wins, we the people continue to lose; the laws remain, liberty is reduced, and the bureaucracy that ruins our lives slowly grows, slowly choking us all.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   03/15/2012  at  06:42 AM  

  4. rbm:  Canadian as well, here. 

    The problem with elections is the politicians win.  No matter which party wins, we the people continue to lose; the laws remain, liberty is reduced, and the bureaucracy that ruins our lives slowly grows, choking us all.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   03/15/2012  at  06:43 AM  

  5. Drew, sorry for the nearly-double post there, the first was taking forever and not going through, so I closed the window, pasted, and posted again removing an extraneous word.

    Can you remove the first of the two please?  Thanks!

    Not sure why the posting of comments is so laggy this morning either, something’s up on the back-end, that’s for sure.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   03/15/2012  at  06:46 AM  

  6. The problem here in America is that the msm is fronting for the boy king - and thus a lot of the bs is not covered, covered up or just plain lied about. The people who believe this crap have been fed it for a long time - and actually do not see that 51% of the country see things differently.

    It has been going on so long - and all they see are the ends (entitlement) - not the means (increased taxation, national debt, deficits, loss of personal freedom and rights) that got us to this point.

    It is not patience - it is that the majority of real Americans (you know, We The People) are busy working, taking care of our families and homes and don’t get paid to ‘occupy’ anything.

    Hopefully - those who turned on the RNC for it’s nomination of the RINO McAmnesty - will see exactly how dangerous that was - not like the Clinton debacle of Perot - and vote for the Repub just to get the boy king out of office. Having said that, if Romney wins - I’m not so sure I can vote for him - I did it once for McAmnesty - but I don’t want to keep encouraging the RNC to put up the most liberal candidate every time.

    What in the hell went wrong with America?

    So you see, it’s not entirely the DNC who got us to this place - they just want to take us over the edge and turn us into Northern Venezuela with the boy king at the helm for eva’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/15/2012  at  07:30 AM  

  7. This stinks. What’s sad is that so many Dems apparently did not see how offensive and dangerous this is. Lefties always buy into the cult of personality.

    Posted by JimS    United States   03/15/2012  at  08:47 AM  

  8. Lefties are bullies. Plain and simple.

    America needs a Conservative leader who will bitch-slap the Bill Mahers, Michael Moores and numerous left-wing douchebags who are the spawn of the 1950’s Hollywood commies. It’s their hateful rhetoric and endless adoration of “The One” that ramps up the semi-dormant (due to drugs) dreggs like the OWSers and “America owes me” people. Unfortunately, they vote. Matter of fact even the dead ones do. A few States that have tried to pass mandatory I.D. checks at polling places are being stiffled by A.G. Holder and the Justice department. Imagine you need I.D. to by beer but not to vote. And that’s exactly the way the Democrats want it.

    We’re DOOMED!

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   03/15/2012  at  11:10 AM  

  9. F*ck the Bigot in Chief and his running dog minions.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/16/2012  at  05:12 PM  

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